

Breaking Changes & Deprecations#

  • Custom scalar types such as RegexType and UUID have been moved to py_gql.exts.scalars.
  • Removed ASTSchemaPrinter in favor of combining ASTSchemaConverter and ASTPrinter. Schema.to_string() is not affected.


  • Added type resolver support on ResolverMap.


  • Add py_gql.schema.transform.CaseSchemaTransform class.
  • Add py_gql.exts.scalars.JSONString scalar type.
  • Add py_gql.exts.scalars.DateTime, py_gql.exts.scalars.Date and py_gql.exts.scalars.Time scalar type based on ISO 8601.
  • Add py_gql.exts.scalars.Base64String scalar type.
  • Add support for schema description (see: graphql/graphql-spec/pull/466).
  • Add py_gql.exc.UnknownDirective for cleaner errors in py_gql.ResolveInfo.get_directive_arguments.
  • Add support for repeatable directives (see: graphql/graphql-spec/pull/472).
    • Language support (parser, ast, SDL and schema definitions)
    • Schema directives: repeatable directives applied multiple times when calling build_schema() will be called multiple times in order.
    • ResolveInfo.get_directive_arguments has not been modified to not break exising code. It returns the first set of arguments for repeated directives.
    • ResolveInfo.get_all_directive_arguments has been added to handle repeated directives.
  • Added ASTSchemaConverter.

0.6.1 - 2020-04-01#


  • Fix bug where mixing schema directives with @deprecated would break.
  • Fix error message on unknown schema directive.

0.6.0 - 2020-04-01#

Breaking Changes & Deprecations#

  • Schema directives now must specify their definition, either with an explicit Directive or by delegating to the schema by name. They are now passed in as a sequence and not a mapping when using build_schema.
  • Drop support for comment based descriptions in ASTPrinter and ASTSchemaPrinter.
  • Move ASTSchemaPrinter from py_gql.utilities to py_gql.sdl.
  • Removed nullable_type helper (unwrap_type now handles nesting and should be used instead).
  • Execution related functions and classes (graphql, execute, etc.) do not accept a default_resolver argument anymore. It should be defined on the schema for consistency.
  • The default resolver now only evaluates methods and not callable members of a mapping.


  • snakecase_to_camelcase util now correctly preserves leading and trailing underscores. This bug lead to the camelcase schema transform not handling fields prefixed with _.


  • [Typechecking] ListType and NonNullType are now generics. This should have little impact when building schema from string definition, but should be useful when writing code to manipulating schema elements.
  • Added GraphQLType.as_list, GraphQLType.as_non_null.
  • Schema validation now checks resolver signatures to ensure that they won’t break at runtime.
  • ResolverMap now supports setting default resolvers:
    • At a type level (register_default_resolver or resolver('Type.*'))
    • Globally as ResolverMap.default_resolver = ...
  • Added py.typed marker file.

0.5.0 - 2020-02-05#


  • Added py_gql.schema.transforms and some useful transformations:
    • py_gql.utilities.VisibilitySchemaTransform to dynamically modify schema entities available to a given query.
    • py_gql.utilities.CamelCaseSchemaTransform to convert between conventions.
  • py_gql.schema.Argument and py_gql.schema.InputField now inherit from the py_gql.schema.InputValue base class. This matches the common language used in the spec and simplifies some internal type handling.
  • Add a custom python_name attribute for some schema elements:
    • py_gql.schema.Argument: when arguments are coerced and passed to a resolver the python_name value will be used instead of the exposed argument name.
    • py_gql.schema.InputField: the resulting object will use python_name as a key instead of the exposed field name.
    • py_gql.schema.Field: The default resolver will use python_name instead of the exposed name when looking the key or attribute in the root object.
  • Added ResolveInfo.get_directive_arguments
  • Added ResolveInfo.selected_fields and utilities.selected_fields.
  • Support directives on variable definitions: this adds language support for directives on variable definitions following graphql/graphql-spec#510. This is only language support so servers don’t choke when receiving queries using this feature.
  • Added py_gql.utilities.MaxDepthValidationRule.


  • Introducing pyproject.toml broke Cython integration through build isolation. The build-system block has been dropped for now and cython support hidden behind the PY_GQL_USE_CYTHON env variable.
  • Support for safely removing types from Schema instances:
    • Returning None from SchemaVisitor methods will now signal that the type should be removed.
    • fix_type_references will remove forward references from types that have been removed from the schema (e.g. field and directive arguments).
  • fix_type_references now correctly updates the Schema.(query|mutation|subscription)_type attributes.

Breaking Changes & Deprecations#

  • validate_ast now takes callables with the signature Callable[[Schema, _ast.Document, Optional[Dict[str, Any]]], Iterable[ValidationError]] as input for custom validation. This makes it simpler to define custom validation without having to care about the ValidationVisitor implementation. To use custom visitor classes as before, default_validator can be wrapped (validator = lambda s, d, v: default_validator(s, d, v, validators=...)).
  • Instrumentation has been refactored:
    • instrument_* type hooks have been renamed as they are better served by consumers wrapping values at call sites.
    • on_* type hooks have been split between on_*_start and on_*_end hooks to avoid having to return lambdas.
  • Runtime specific concepts have been extracted from Executor into a separate Runtime abstract class which is now passed in on execution (instead of the executor class). This was done to separate the resolver execution layer (which library consumer may care about) and the graphql query execution layer (which library consumers should not care about) which were implemented in the Executor class. The main changes are:
    • Executor should not be implemented moving forward, use Runtime instead.
    • The specific methods haven’t changed (to make it easy to migrate, they might be revisited later) but they have become actual method instead of staticmethods.
    • The Executor.supports_subscriptions attribute has been replaced by the SubscriptionRuntime subclass.
  • SchemaVisitor.(on_field_definition|on_argument_definition|on_input_field_definition) have become SchemaVisitor.(on_field|on_argument|on_input_field) to maintain consistency with other methods.
  • Do not expose GraphQLExtension on py_gql.
  • py_gql.lang.visitors.ParallelVisitor -> py_gql.lang.visitors.ChainedVisitor
  • The py_gql.utilities.diff_schema module has been moved to py_gql.schema.differ.
  • TypeInfoVisitor and VariablesCollector are now kept internal to py_gql.validation.visitors.
  • Fix Lexer greediness. Some edge cases were not handled as expected. This commit adds test cases from the 2 RFCs clarifying the expected behavior (graphql/graphql-spec#601, graphql/graphql-spec#599) and updates the Lexer to match. This is technically a breaking change but most cases were likely to lead to validation errors (e.g. “0xF1” being parsed as [0, xF1] when expecting a list of integers).

0.4.0 - 2019-10-10#

Breaking Changes & Deprecations#

  • has been moved to py_gql.sdl and build_schema_ignoring_extensions has been removed.
  • Tracer has been replaced by the more general concept of Instrumentation which is now backing ApolloTracer.
  • Directive is not a subclass of GraphQLType anymore.
  • It is no longer possible to override specified directives and types when creating a schema.
  • Dropped is_abstract_type, is_composite_type and is_leaf_type: use instance checks against GraphQLAbstractType, GraphQLCompositeType, and GraphQLLeafType directly instead.
  • Dropped ObjectType.is_type_of option for concrete type resolution, use (UnionType|InterfaceType).resolve_type instead.


  • Add support for copy and deepcopy to py_gql.lang.ast.Node.
  • py_gql.lang.Visitor now supports modifying the nodes inline; this supports the implementation of some common AST transformers.
  • Add py_gql.utilities.ast_transforms.RemoveFieldAliasesVisitor to canonicalize queries from a server’s perspective.
  • Add py_gql.utilities.ast_transforms.CamelCaseToSnakeCaseVisitor and py_gql.utilities.ast_transforms.SnakeCaseToCamelCaseVisitor to support interacting with common conventions in the wider GraphQL ecosystem.
  • Extended the tracer concept into Instrumentation which supports overriding runtime values as well as observing execution stages.
  • (UnionType|InterfaceType).resolve_type now receives the current resolution data value and ResolveInfo.
  • Basic subscription support has been added through py_gql.execution.subscribe. It’s not well documented yet is subject to change. For now refer to the starlette-ws-subsriptions example.


  • Fix a bug where selection set indentation was not correct when using ASTPrinter.
  • Do not import typing.Deque outside of type checking context to ensure compatibility with versions <= 3.5.3.

0.3.2 - 2019-05-01#

Docs & dev update.

0.3.0 - 2019-05-01#

Breaking Changes#

  • AsyncExecutor renamed to AsyncIOExecutor
  • allow_type_system argument to py_gql.lang.Parser now defaults to False.
  • SchemaDirective do not support defining their own definition which now has to be defined in the schema.
  • py_gql.utilities.diff_schema has been moved to its own submodule py_gql.utilities.diff_schema.diff_schema (alongside related types and constants).
  • py_gql.utilities.diff_schema.diff_schema now return instances of SchemaChange instead of combining enum values and formatted string in a tuple. The classes contain more context and references to the actual schema objects (Field, Argument, etc.).


  • Support passing an already parsed ast to process_graphql_query and its derivatives.
  • ASTSchemaPrinter (and Schema.to_string()) now supports printing custom schema directives collected when using build_schema behind the include_custom_directives flag.


  • Handle early return from process_graphql_query in py_gql.graphql.
  • Make sure process_graphql_query calls tracer.on_end() on early returns.
  • Fix link in the description of the UUID scalar type.
  • Fix bug in Executor.complete_value which lead to incorrectly ignoring fragment when applied on types implementing an interface.

0.2.0 - 2019-04-18#

This release follow some extensive internal refactor and legwork in order to make py_gql easier to improve and extend moving forward.

Most notable changes#

  • Dropped Python 2 support; the minimum supported version is now Python 3.5.
  • py_gql.build_schema is now the preferred way to define executable GraphQL schema (instead of using the py_gql.schema.Schema class).
  • py_gql.graphql now defaults to working with asyncio. Use py_gql.graphql_blocking for synchronous use cases. This should make things more obvious when implementing subscriptions. py_gql.process_graphql_query is still available in order to support custom executors.
  • Finalized implementation of schema directives for py_gql.build_schema.
  • Resolvers can now be assigned with the py_gql.schema.Schema.resolver decorator.
  • Added type hints for most exposed apis, however some types are still too open and this will be improved moving forward.
  • Simplify middleware and tracer implementation: middlewares do not try to be smart and users have to write them against their resolver and executor. Tracers are not based on middlewares anymore.
  • Many small performance improvements.
  • Returning callables to lazily resolve values has been deprecated.?
  • Fixed custom scalars support during execution.
  • Updated some error messages to match the reference implementation more closely.
  • Implementing custom py_gql.execution.Executor is a bit more involved in order to simplify the implementations of the execution layer.
  • py_gql.utilities.diff_schema added to compare schemas for compatibility.


Initial release.