Source code for py_gql.execution.get_operation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from typing import Optional, Tuple

from ..exc import InvalidOperationError
from ..lang import ast as _ast
from ..schema import ObjectType, Schema

[docs]def get_operation( document: _ast.Document, operation_name: Optional[str] = None ) -> _ast.OperationDefinition: """ Extract relevant operation from a parsed document. In case the ``operation_name`` argument is null, the document is expected to contain only one operation which will be extracted. Args: document: Parsed document operation_name: Operation to extract Returns: Relevant operation definition Raises: InvalidOperationError: No relevant operation can be found. """ operations = [ definition for definition in document.definitions if isinstance(definition, _ast.OperationDefinition) ] if not operations: raise InvalidOperationError( "Expected at least one operation definition" ) if not operation_name: if len(operations) == 1: return operations[0] raise InvalidOperationError( "Operation name is required when document " "contains multiple operation definitions" ) for operation in operations: if and == operation_name: return operation raise InvalidOperationError( 'No operation "%s" in document' % operation_name )
def get_operation_with_type( schema: Schema, document: _ast.Document, operation_name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Tuple[_ast.OperationDefinition, ObjectType]: """ Extract relevant operation from a parsed document and ObjectType. Args: schema: Schema document: Parsed document operation_name: Operation to extract Returns: Relevant operation definition and object type Raises: InvalidOperationError: when no relevant operation can be found or there is no related type. """ operation = get_operation(document, operation_name) root_type = { "query": schema.query_type, "mutation": schema.mutation_type, "subscription": schema.subscription_type, }[operation.operation] if root_type is None: raise InvalidOperationError( "Schema doesn't support %s operation" % operation.operation ) return operation, root_type