Source code for py_gql.execution.instrumentation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from typing import Any

from .wrappers import ResolveInfo

[docs]class Instrumentation: """ Observability hooks for the executor. Instrumentation provides a pattern to hook into py_gql's execution process for observability purposes. """
[docs] def on_query_start(self) -> None: # noqa: D401 """ This will be called at the very start of query processing. """
[docs] def on_query_end(self) -> None: # noqa: D401 """ This will be called once the execution result is ready. """
[docs] def on_parsing_start(self) -> None: # noqa: D401 """ This will be called just before the request document is parsed. It will not be called when the execution code is provided an already parsed ast. """
[docs] def on_parsing_end(self) -> None: # noqa: D401 """ This will be called after the request document has been parsed. This is called even if parsing failed due to a syntax error. """
[docs] def on_validation_start(self) -> None: # noqa: D401 """ This will be called before query validation. """
[docs] def on_validation_end(self) -> None: # noqa: D401 """ This will be called before query validation. """
[docs] def on_execution_start(self) -> None: # noqa: D401 """ This will be called before operation execution starts. """
[docs] def on_execution_end(self) -> None: # noqa: D401 """ This will be after operation execution ends and the execution result is ready. """
[docs] def on_field_start( self, root: Any, context: Any, info: ResolveInfo ) -> None: # noqa: D401 """ This will be called before field resolution starts. """
[docs] def on_field_end( self, root: Any, context: Any, info: ResolveInfo ) -> None: # noqa: D401 """ This will be called after field resolution ends. """
[docs]class MultiInstrumentation(Instrumentation): """ Combine multiple :class:`Instrumentation` instances. Instrumentations will be processed as a stack: ``on_start*`` hooks will be called in order while ``on_*_end`` hooks will be called in reverse order. """ def __init__(self, *instrumentations: Instrumentation) -> None: self.instrumentations = instrumentations
[docs] def on_query_start(self) -> None: for i in self.instrumentations: i.on_query_start()
[docs] def on_query_end(self) -> None: for i in self.instrumentations[::-1]: i.on_query_end()
[docs] def on_parsing_start(self) -> None: for i in self.instrumentations: i.on_parsing_start()
[docs] def on_parsing_end(self) -> None: for i in self.instrumentations[::-1]: i.on_parsing_end()
[docs] def on_validation_start(self) -> None: for i in self.instrumentations: i.on_validation_start()
[docs] def on_validation_end(self) -> None: for i in self.instrumentations[::-1]: i.on_validation_end()
[docs] def on_execution_start(self) -> None: for i in self.instrumentations: i.on_execution_start()
[docs] def on_execution_end(self) -> None: for i in self.instrumentations[::-1]: i.on_execution_end()
[docs] def on_field_start( self, root: Any, context: Any, info: ResolveInfo ) -> None: for i in self.instrumentations: i.on_field_start(root, context, info)
[docs] def on_field_end(self, root: Any, context: Any, info: ResolveInfo) -> None: for i in self.instrumentations[::-1]: i.on_field_end(root, context, info)