Source code for py_gql.lang.token

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Lexer tokens found in GraphQL documents.

All the valid source tokens found in GraphQL documents are encoded as instances
of :class:`Token` and are described in `this document

from typing import Any

[docs]class Token: """ Base token class. All token instances can be compared by simple equality. Attributes: start (int): Starting position for this token (0-indexed) end (int): End position for this token (0-indexed) value (str): Characters making up this token Args: start (int): Starting position for this token (0-indexed) end (int): End position for this token (0-indexed) value (str): Characters making up this token """ __slots__ = "start", "end", "value" def __init__(self, start: int, end: int, value: str): self.start = start self.end = end self.value = value def __repr__(self) -> str: return "<Token.%s: value='%s' at (%d, %d)>" % ( self.__class__.__name__, self, self.start, self.end, ) def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self.value) def __eq__(self, rhs: Any) -> bool: return ( self.__class__ is rhs.__class__ and self.value == rhs.value and self.start == rhs.start and self.end == rhs.end )
class ConstToken(Token): """ Encode tokens with contants values. Should not be used directly. """ value = "" def __init__(self, start: int, end: int): self.start = start self.end = end
[docs]class SOF(ConstToken): value = "<SOF>"
[docs]class EOF(ConstToken): value = "<EOF>"
[docs]class ExclamationMark(ConstToken): value = "!"
[docs]class Dollar(ConstToken): value = "$"
[docs]class ParenOpen(ConstToken): value = "("
[docs]class ParenClose(ConstToken): value = ")"
[docs]class BracketOpen(ConstToken): value = "["
[docs]class BracketClose(ConstToken): value = "]"
[docs]class CurlyOpen(ConstToken): value = "{"
[docs]class CurlyClose(ConstToken): value = "}"
[docs]class Colon(ConstToken): value = ":"
[docs]class Equals(ConstToken): value = "="
[docs]class At(ConstToken): value = "@"
[docs]class Pipe(ConstToken): value = "|"
[docs]class Ampersand(ConstToken): value = "&"
[docs]class Ellip(ConstToken): value = "..."
[docs]class Integer(Token): pass
[docs]class Float(Token): pass
[docs]class Name(Token): pass
[docs]class String(Token): pass
[docs]class BlockString(Token): pass
__all__ = ( "Token", "SOF", "EOF", "ExclamationMark", "Dollar", "ParenOpen", "ParenClose", "BracketOpen", "BracketClose", "CurlyOpen", "CurlyClose", "Colon", "Equals", "At", "Pipe", "Ampersand", "Ellip", "Integer", "Float", "Name", "String", "BlockString", )