Source code for py_gql.utilities.ast_transforms

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Common utilities used to transform GraphQL documents.

from .._string_utils import camelcase_to_snakecase, snakecase_to_camelcase
from ..lang.ast import Field
from ..lang.visitor import DispatchingVisitor

[docs]class RemoveFieldAliasesVisitor(DispatchingVisitor): """ Visitor implementation which removes aliases from output fields. """ def enter_field(self, field: Field) -> Field: if field.alias is not None: field.alias = None return field
[docs]class CamelCaseToSnakeCaseVisitor(DispatchingVisitor): """ Visitor implementation which renames field from camelCase to snake_case. This is useful when working between languages with different conventions such as Python and Javascript. Note: This only work on the incoming document and usually needs to be paired with a post-processing step on the client or before sending out the response. """ def enter_field(self, field: Field) -> Field: = camelcase_to_snakecase( return field
[docs]class SnakeCaseToCamelCaseVisitor(DispatchingVisitor): """ Visitor implementation which renames field from snake_case to camelCase. This is useful when working between languages with different conventions such as Python and Javascript. Note: This only work on the incoming document and usually needs to be paired with a post-processing step on the client or before sending out the response. """ def enter_field(self, field: Field) -> Field: = snakecase_to_camelcase( return field