Source code for py_gql.execution.executor

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, TypeVar, Union

from .._string_utils import stringify_path
from .._utils import OrderedDict, apply_middlewares, is_iterable
from ..exc import (
from ..lang import ast as _ast
from ..schema import (
from .default_resolver import default_resolver
from .instrumentation import Instrumentation
from .runtime import BlockingRuntime, Runtime
from .wrappers import (

Resolver = Callable[..., Any]

T = TypeVar("T")
G = TypeVar("G")
E = TypeVar("E", bound=Exception)

[docs]class Executor(ResolutionContext): """ Core executor class. This is the core executor class implementing all of the operations necessary to fulfill a GraphQL query or mutation as defined [in the spec]( """ __slots__ = ResolutionContext.__slots__ + ( "instrumentation", "runtime", "_default_resolver", "_resolver_cache", ) def __init__( self, schema: Schema, document: _ast.Document, variables: Dict[str, Any], context_value: Any, *, middlewares: Optional[Sequence[Callable[..., Any]]] = None, instrumentation: Optional[Instrumentation] = None, disable_introspection: bool = False, runtime: Optional[Runtime] = None ): super().__init__( schema, document, variables, context_value, disable_introspection=disable_introspection, middlewares=middlewares, ) self.instrumentation = instrumentation or Instrumentation() self.runtime = runtime or BlockingRuntime() self._default_resolver = schema.default_resolver or default_resolver self._resolver_cache = {} # type: Dict[Optional[Resolver], Resolver]
[docs] def field_resolver( self, parent_type: ObjectType, field_definition: Field ) -> Resolver: base = field_definition.resolver or parent_type.default_resolver try: return self._resolver_cache[base] except KeyError: wrapped = ( self.runtime.wrap_callable(base) if base is not None else self._default_resolver ) if self._middlewares: wrapped = apply_middlewares(wrapped, self._middlewares) self._resolver_cache[base] = wrapped return wrapped
[docs] def resolve_type( self, value: Any, info: ResolveInfo, abstract_type: GraphQLAbstractType, ) -> Optional[ObjectType]: maybe_type = None # type: Optional[Union[ObjectType, str]] if abstract_type.resolve_type is not None: maybe_type = abstract_type.resolve_type( value, self.context_value, info ) else: # Default type resolution maybe_type = ( value.get("__typename__", None) if isinstance(value, dict) else getattr(value, "__typename__", None) ) if maybe_type is None: maybe_type = type(value).__name__ if isinstance(maybe_type, str): return self.schema.get_type(maybe_type) # type: ignore else: return maybe_type
[docs] def resolve_field( self, parent_type: ObjectType, parent_value: Any, field_definition: Field, nodes: List[_ast.Field], path: ResponsePath, ) -> Any: runtime = self.runtime resolver = self.field_resolver(parent_type, field_definition) node = nodes[0] info = ResolveInfo( field_definition, path, parent_type, nodes, runtime, self ) self.instrumentation.on_field_start( parent_value, self.context_value, info ) def fail(err): self.add_error(err, path, node) self.instrumentation.on_field_end( parent_value, self.context_value, info ) return None def complete(res): self.instrumentation.on_field_end( parent_value, self.context_value, info ) return self.complete_value( field_definition.type, nodes, path, info, res ) try: coerced_args = self.argument_values(field_definition, node) except CoercionError as err: return fail(err) try: return runtime.unwrap_value( runtime.map_value( runtime.unwrap_value( resolver( parent_value, self.context_value, info, **coerced_args, ) ), complete, else_=(ResolverError, fail), ) ) except ResolverError as err: return fail(err)
[docs] def execute_fields( self, parent_type: ObjectType, root: Any, path: ResponsePath, fields: CollectedFields, ) -> Any: keys = [] pending = [] for key, field_def, nodes in fields: if field_def is None: continue resolved = self.resolve_field( parent_type, root, field_def, nodes, path + [key] ) keys.append(key) pending.append(resolved) def _collect(done): return OrderedDict(zip(keys, done)) return self.runtime.map_value( self.runtime.gather_values(pending), _collect )
[docs] def execute_fields_serially( self, parent_type: ObjectType, root: Any, path: ResponsePath, fields: CollectedFields, ) -> Any: resolved_fields = OrderedDict() # type: Dict[str, Any] args = [ (key, field_def, nodes) for key, field_def, nodes in fields if field_def is not None ] def _next(): try: k, f, n = args.pop(0) except IndexError: return resolved_fields else: def cb(value): resolved_fields[k] = value return _next() return self.runtime.map_value( self.resolve_field(parent_type, root, f, n, path + [k]), cb ) return _next()
[docs] def complete_list_value( self, inner_type: GraphQLType, nodes: List[_ast.Field], path: ResponsePath, info: ResolveInfo, resolved_value: Any, ) -> Any: return self.runtime.gather_values( self.complete_value(inner_type, nodes, path + [index], info, entry) for index, entry in enumerate(resolved_value) )
[docs] def complete_non_nullable_value( self, inner_type: GraphQLType, nodes: List[_ast.Field], path: ResponsePath, info: ResolveInfo, resolved_value: Any, ) -> Any: return self.runtime.map_value( self.complete_value(inner_type, nodes, path, info, resolved_value), lambda r: self._handle_non_nullable_value(nodes, path, r), )
[docs] def complete_value( # noqa: C901 self, field_type: GraphQLType, nodes: List[_ast.Field], path: ResponsePath, info: ResolveInfo, resolved_value: Any, ) -> Any: if isinstance(field_type, NonNullType): return self.complete_non_nullable_value( field_type.type, nodes, path, info, resolved_value ) if resolved_value is None: return None if isinstance(field_type, ListType): if not is_iterable(resolved_value, False): raise RuntimeError( 'Field "%s" is a list type and resolved value should be ' "iterable" % stringify_path(path) ) return self.complete_list_value( field_type.type, nodes, path, info, resolved_value ) if isinstance(field_type, ScalarType): try: return field_type.serialize(resolved_value) except ScalarSerializationError as err: raise RuntimeError( 'Field "%s" cannot be serialized as "%s": %s' % (stringify_path(path), field_type, err) ) from err if isinstance(field_type, EnumType): try: return field_type.get_name(resolved_value) except UnknownEnumValue as err: raise RuntimeError( 'Field "%s" cannot be serialized as "%s": %s' % (stringify_path(path), field_type, err) ) from err if isinstance(field_type, GraphQLCompositeType): if isinstance(field_type, ObjectType): runtime_type = field_type elif isinstance(field_type, GraphQLAbstractType): maybe_runtime_type = self.resolve_type( resolved_value, info, field_type ) if not isinstance(maybe_runtime_type, ObjectType): raise RuntimeError( 'Abstract type "%s" must resolve to an ObjectType at ' 'runtime for field "%s". Received "%s"' % (field_type, stringify_path(path), maybe_runtime_type) ) # Backup check in case of badly implemented `resolve_type` if not self.schema.is_possible_type( field_type, maybe_runtime_type ): raise RuntimeError( 'Runtime ObjectType "%s" is not a possible type for ' 'field "%s" of type "%s".' % (maybe_runtime_type, stringify_path(path), field_type) ) runtime_type = maybe_runtime_type else: raise TypeError(type(field_type)) return self.execute_fields( runtime_type, resolved_value, path, self.collect_fields( runtime_type, [ selection for field in nodes if field.selection_set for selection in field.selection_set.selections ], ), ) raise TypeError( "Invalid field type %s at %s" % (field_type, stringify_path(path)) )
def _handle_non_nullable_value( self, nodes: List[_ast.Field], path: ResponsePath, resolved_value: Any ) -> Any: if resolved_value is None: # REVIEW: Shouldn't this be a RuntimeError? As in the developer # should never return a null non nullable field, raising explicitely # if the query lead to this behavior could be valid outcome. self.add_error( ResolverError( 'Field "%s" is not nullable' % stringify_path(path), nodes=nodes, path=path, ) ) return resolved_value