Source code for py_gql.execution.runtime.asyncio

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import asyncio
import functools as ft
from inspect import isawaitable, iscoroutinefunction
from typing import (

from .base import SubscriptionRuntime

T = TypeVar("T")
G = TypeVar("G")
E = TypeVar("E", bound=Exception)
AnyFn = Callable[..., Any]
AnyFnGen = Callable[..., T]
MaybeAwaitable = Union[Awaitable[T], T]

[docs]class AsyncIORuntime(SubscriptionRuntime): """ Executor implementation to work with Python's asyncio module. """ def __init__( self, loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None, execute_blocking_functions_in_thread: bool = True, ): self.loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop() self._execute_blocking_functions_in_thread = ( execute_blocking_functions_in_thread )
[docs] def submit( self, fn: AnyFnGen[T], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any ) -> MaybeAwaitable[T]: if ( self._execute_blocking_functions_in_thread and not iscoroutinefunction(fn) ): return self.loop.run_in_executor( None, ft.partial(fn, *args, **kwargs) ) return fn(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def ensure_wrapped(self, value: MaybeAwaitable[T]) -> Awaitable[T]: if _isawaitable_fast(value): return value # type: ignore async def _make_awaitable() -> T: return value # type: ignore return _make_awaitable()
[docs] def gather_values( self, values: Iterable[MaybeAwaitable[T]] ) -> MaybeAwaitable[Iterable[T]]: pending = [] # type: List[Awaitable[T]] pending_idx = [] # type: List[int] done = [] # type: List[T] pending_append = pending.append pending_idx_append = pending_idx.append done_append = done.append has_pending = False for index, value in enumerate(values): if _isawaitable_fast(value): has_pending = True pending_append(value) # type: ignore pending_idx_append(index) done_append(value) # type: ignore if has_pending: async def _await_values() -> Iterable[T]: for i, awaited in zip( pending_idx, await asyncio.gather(*pending) ): done[i] = awaited return done return _await_values() return done
[docs] def map_value( self, value: MaybeAwaitable[T], then: Callable[[T], G], else_: Optional[Tuple[Type[E], Callable[[E], G]]] = None, ) -> MaybeAwaitable[G]: if _isawaitable_fast(value): async def _await_value() -> G: try: return then(await value) # type: ignore except Exception as err: if else_ and isinstance(err, else_[0]): return else_[1](err) raise return _await_value() try: return then(value) # type: ignore except Exception as err: if else_ and isinstance(err, else_[0]): return else_[1](err) raise
[docs] def unwrap_value(self, value): if _isawaitable_fast(value): async def _await_value(): cur = await value while _isawaitable_fast(cur): cur = await cur return cur return _await_value() return value
[docs] def map_stream( self, source_stream: AsyncIterator[T], map_value: Callable[[T], Awaitable[G]], ) -> AsyncIterable[G]: return AsyncMap(source_stream, map_value)
[docs] def wrap_callable(self, func: Callable[..., Any]) -> Callable[..., Any]: if ( self._execute_blocking_functions_in_thread and not iscoroutinefunction(func) ): async def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): return await self.loop.run_in_executor( None, ft.partial(func, *args, **kwargs) ) return wrapped return func
# This is helper class is necessary because we cannot use async generators in # order to support Python 3.5. class AsyncMap: __slots__ = ("source_stream", "map_value") def __init__(self, source_stream, map_value): self.source_stream = source_stream self.map_value = map_value def __aiter__(self): return self async def __anext__(self): return await self.map_value( await type(self.source_stream).__anext__(self.source_stream) ) def _isawaitable_fast(value, cache={}, __isawaitable=isawaitable): # This is (usually) faster than the default isawaitable which is benefitial # for the hot loops required when resolving large objects. # TODO: This has been true in my use cases (mostly using dicts), but it may # not be the case for all use cases, e.g. when using Django a lot of # different classes may appear for models and this may end up having to drop # to isawaitable anyway with the cache miss cost on top. Ideally the number # of different classes is an order of magnitude smaller than the number of # individual objects involved (at the point where this kind of optimisation # matters) but this could do with some proper benchmarking against real life # use cases. t = type(value) try: return cache[t] except KeyError: res = cache[t] = __isawaitable(value) return res