Source code for py_gql.execution.runtime.threadpool

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import functools
from concurrent.futures import CancelledError, Future, ThreadPoolExecutor
from typing import (

from .base import Runtime

T = TypeVar("T")
G = TypeVar("G")
E = TypeVar("E", bound=Exception)
MaybeFuture = Union["Future[T]", T]

[docs]class ThreadPoolRuntime(Runtime): """ Runtime implementation which executes in a thread pool. This offloads every function passed to it in a thread pool by wrapping :py:class:`concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor`. All init arguments will be forwarded to :py:class:`concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor`. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._inner = ThreadPoolExecutor(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def submit(self, func, *args, **kwargs): return self._inner.submit(func, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def ensure_wrapped(self, value): if _is_future_fast(value): return value outer = Future() # type: ignore outer.set_result(value) return outer
[docs] def map_value(self, value, then, else_=None): return chain(value, then, else_)
[docs] def gather_values(self, values): return gather_futures(values)
[docs] def unwrap_value(self, value): return unwrap_future(value)
[docs] def wrap_callable(self, func): return functools.partial(self._inner.submit, func)
def _is_future_fast(value, cache={}, __isinstance=isinstance, __future=Future): t = type(value) try: return cache[t] except KeyError: res = cache[t] = __isinstance(value, __future) return res def unwrap_future(maybe_future): if _is_future_fast(maybe_future): outer = Future() # type: ignore def cb(f): try: r = f.result() except CancelledError: outer.cancel() except Exception as err: outer.set_exception(err) else: if _is_future_fast(r): r.add_done_callback(cb) else: outer.set_result(r) maybe_future.add_done_callback(cb) return outer return maybe_future def gather_futures(source: Iterable[MaybeFuture[T]]) -> "MaybeFuture[List[T]]": """ Concurrently collect multiple Futures. This is based on `asyncio.gather`. If all futures in the ``source`` sequence complete successfully, the result is an aggregate list of returned values. The order of result values corresponds to the order of the provided futures. The first raised exception is immediately propagated to the future returned from ``gather_futures()``. Other futures in the provided sequence won’t be cancelled and will continue to run. Cancelling ``gather_futures()`` will attempt to cancel the source futures that haven't already completed. If any Future from the ``source`` sequence is cancelled, it is treated as if it raised `CancelledError` – the ``gather_futures()`` call is not cancelled in this case. This is to prevent the cancellation of one submitted Future to cause other futures to be cancelled. """ done = 0 pending = [] # type: List[Future[T]] result = [] # type: List[MaybeFuture[T]] pending_append = pending.append result_append = result.append source_values = list(source) target_count = len(source_values) for maybe_future in source_values: if not _is_future_fast(maybe_future): result_append(maybe_future) done += 1 else: pending_append(maybe_future) # type: ignore result_append(maybe_future) if target_count == 0: return [] if not pending: return result # type: ignore def handle_cancel(d: "Future[List[T]]") -> Any: if d.cancelled(): for inner in pending: inner.cancel() def on_finish(d: "Future[T]") -> Any: nonlocal done done += 1 try: d.result() except Exception as err: outer.set_exception(err) return if done == target_count: outer.set_result( [ v.result() # type: ignore if _is_future_fast(v) else v for v in result ], ) outer = Future() # type: Future[List[T]] outer.add_done_callback(handle_cancel) for f in pending: f.add_done_callback(on_finish) return outer def chain( source: "MaybeFuture[T]", then: Callable[[T], G], else_: Optional[Tuple[Type[E], Callable[[E], G]]] = None, ) -> "MaybeFuture[G]": if not _is_future_fast(source): try: res = then(source) # type: ignore except Exception as err: if else_ is not None: exc_type, cb = else_ if isinstance(err, exc_type): return cb(err) raise else: return res else: target = Future() # type: Future[G] def on_finish(f: "Future[T]") -> None: try: res = then(f.result()) except CancelledError: target.cancel() except Exception as err: if else_ is not None: exc_type, cb = else_ if isinstance(err, exc_type): target.set_result(cb(err)) else: target.set_exception(err) else: target.set_exception(err) else: target.set_result(res) source.add_done_callback(on_finish) # type: ignore return target