Source code for py_gql.execution.wrappers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import json
from typing import (

from ..exc import GraphQLLocatedError, GraphQLResponseError, UnknownDirective
from ..lang import ast
from ..schema import Field, ObjectType, Schema
from ..schema.introspection import (
from ..utilities import (
from .runtime import Runtime

_UNSET = object()

Resolver = Callable[..., Any]
ResponsePath = List[Union[str, int]]
CollectedFields = List[Tuple[str, Optional[Field], List[ast.Field]]]

class ResolutionContext:
    Information about the current resolution.

    __slots__ = (

    def __init__(
        schema: Schema,
        document: ast.Document,
        variables: Dict[str, Any],
        context_value: Any,
        disable_introspection: bool = False,
        middlewares: Optional[Sequence[Callable[..., Any]]] = None
        #: ~py_gql.schema.Schema: Current schema.
        self.schema = schema
        #: ~py_gql.lang.ast.Document: Parsed document.
        self.document = document
        #: Dict[str, Any]: Coerced variables
        self.variables = variables
        #: Context value
        self.context_value = context_value
        #: Dict[str, ~ast.FragmentDefinition]: Document fragments
        self.fragments = document.fragments

        self._disable_introspection = disable_introspection
        self._middlewares = middlewares or []

        self._errors = []  # type: List[GraphQLResponseError]

        # Caches
        self._collected_fields = (
        )  # type: Dict[Tuple[str, Tuple[ast.Selection, ...]], CollectedFields]
        self._fragment_type_applies = (
        )  # type: Dict[Tuple[str, ast.Type], bool]
        self._field_defs = {}  # type: Dict[Tuple[str, str], Optional[Field]]
        self._argument_values = (
        )  # type: Dict[Tuple[Field, ast.Field], Dict[str, Any]]

    def add_error(
        err: Union[GraphQLLocatedError],
        path: Optional[ResponsePath] = None,
        node: Optional[ast.Node] = None,
    ) -> None:
        Register an error during the current execution.
        if node:
            if not err.nodes:
                err.nodes = [node]
        err.path = path if path is not None else err.path

    def errors(self) -> List[GraphQLResponseError]:
        All field errors collected during query execution.
        return self._errors[:]

    def clear_errors(self) -> None:
        Clear any collected error from the current executor instance.
        self._errors[:] = []

    def collect_fields(
        parent_type: ObjectType,
        selections: Sequence[ast.Selection],
        visited_fragments: Optional[Set[str]] = None,
    ) -> CollectedFields:
        cache_key =, tuple(selections)
            return self._collected_fields[cache_key]
        except KeyError:
            self._collected_fields[cache_key] = result = [
                    self.field_definition(parent_type, nodes[0].name.value),
                for key, nodes in collect_fields(

            return result

    def field_definition(
        self, parent_type: ObjectType, name: str
    ) -> Optional[Field]:

        key =, name
        cache = self._field_defs

            return cache[key]
        except KeyError:

            field_def = None  # type: Optional[Field]

            if name in ("__schema", "__type", "__typename"):
                if self._disable_introspection:
                    return None

                is_query_type = self.schema.query_type is parent_type

                if name == "__schema" and is_query_type:
                    field_def = SCHEMA_INTROSPECTION_FIELD
                elif name == "__type" and is_query_type:
                    field_def = TYPE_INTROSPECTION_FIELD
                elif name == "__typename":
                    field_def = TYPE_NAME_INTROSPECTION_FIELD
                field_def = parent_type.field_map.get(name, None)

            cache[key] = field_def
            return field_def

    def argument_values(
        self, field_definition: Field, node: ast.Field
    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        cache_key = field_definition, node
            return self._argument_values[cache_key]
        except KeyError:
            av = self._argument_values[cache_key] = coerce_argument_values(
                field_definition, node, self.variables
            return av

[docs]class ResolveInfo: """ Expose information about the field currently being resolved. This is the 3rd positional argument provided to resolver functions and is constructed internally during query execution. Warning: This class assumes that the document and schema have been validated for execution and may break unexectedly if used outside of such a context. """ __slots__ = ( "field_definition", "path", "parent_type", "nodes", "runtime", "_context", "_directive_arguments", ) def __init__( self, field_definition: Field, path: ResponsePath, parent_type: ObjectType, nodes: List[ast.Field], runtime: Runtime, context: ResolutionContext, ): #: ~py_gql.schema.Field: Root field being resolved. self.field_definition = field_definition #: ~py_gql.execution.ResponsePath: Current traversal path through the query. self.path = path #: ~py_gql.schema.ObjectType: Type from which the field is being resolved. self.parent_type = parent_type #: ~py_gql.lang.ast.Field: AST nodes extracted from the document. self.nodes = nodes #: ~py_gq.execution.runtime.Runtime:Current runtime. self.runtime = runtime self._context = context self._directive_arguments = {} # type: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]] @property def schema(self) -> Schema: # noqa: D401 """ Current schema. """ return self._context.schema @property def variables(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Coerced variables. """ return self._context.variables @property def fragments(self) -> Dict[str, ast.FragmentDefinition]: """ Document fragments. """ return self._context.fragments
[docs] def get_directive_arguments(self, name: str) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Extract arguments for a given directive on the current field. This has the same semantics as `py_gql.utilities.directive_arguments`. Args: name: The name of the directive to extract. Returns: ``None`` if the directive is not present on the current field and a dictionary of coerced arguments otherwise. """ args = self.get_all_directive_arguments(name) return args[0] if args else None
[docs] def get_all_directive_arguments(self, name: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Extract arguments for a given directive on the current field. This has the same semantics as `py_gql.utilities.all_directive_arguments`. Args: name: The name of the directive to extract. Returns: List of directive arguments in order of occurrence. """ try: return self._directive_arguments[name] except KeyError: try: directive_def = self._context.schema.directives[name] except KeyError: raise UnknownDirective(name) from None args = self._directive_arguments[name] = all_directive_arguments( directive_def, self.nodes[0], self._context.variables, ) return args
[docs] def selected_fields( self, *, maxdepth: int = 1, pattern: Optional[str] = None ) -> List[str]: """ Extract the list of fields selected by the field currently being resolved. Refer to :func:`~py_gql.utilities.selected_fields` for documentation. """ return selected_fields( self.nodes[0], fragments=self._context.fragments, variables=self._context.variables, maxdepth=maxdepth, pattern=pattern, )
[docs]class GraphQLExtension: """ Encode a GraphQL response extension. Use in conjunction with :meth:`GraphQLResult.add_extension` to encode the response alongside an execution result. """
[docs] def payload(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Return the extension payload. """ raise NotImplementedError()
@property def name(self) -> str: """ Return the name of the extension used as the key in the response. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class GraphQLResult: """ Operation response. This wrapper encodes the behavior described in the `Response <>`_ part of the specification. Args: data (Optional[Dict[`str`, `Any`]]): The data part of the response. errors (Optional[Sequence[`GraphQLResponseError`]]): The errors part of the response. All errors will be included in the response using :meth:`~py_gql.exc.GraphQLResponseError.to_dict`. """ __slots__ = ("data", "errors", "extensions", "_known_extensions") def __init__( self, data: Optional[Any] = _UNSET, errors: Optional[Sequence[GraphQLResponseError]] = None, ): = data # type: Any self.errors = ( list(errors) if errors is not None else [] ) # type: List[GraphQLResponseError] self.extensions = {} # type: Dict[str, GraphQLExtension] def __bool__(self) -> bool: return not self.errors def __iter__(self): return iter((, self.errors))
[docs] def add_extension(self, ext): """ Add an extensions to the result. Args: ext: Extension instance Raises: ValueError: Extension with the same name has already been added """ if in self.extensions: raise ValueError('Duplicate extension "%s"' % self.extensions[] = ext
[docs] def response(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Generate an ordered response dict. """ d = {} if self.errors: d["errors"] = [error.to_dict() for error in self.errors] if is not _UNSET: d["data"] = if self.extensions: d["extensions"] = { # type: ignore e.payload() for e in self.extensions.values() } return d
[docs] def json(self, **kw: Any) -> str: """ Encode response as JSON using the standard lib :py:mod:`json` module. Args: **kw: Keyword args passed to to ``json.dumps`` Returns: str: JSON serialized response. """ return json.dumps(self.response(), **kw)