Source code for py_gql.lang.parser

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import collections
import functools as ft
from typing import (

from ..exc import GraphQLSyntaxError, UnexpectedEOF, UnexpectedToken
from . import ast as _ast
from .lexer import Lexer
from .token import (





    ["query", "mutation", "subscription", "fragment"]


OPERATION_TYPES_KEYWORDS = frozenset(["query", "mutation", "subscription"])

    # typing.Deque was only included in Python 3.5.4 and given that some pretty
    # used distros such as debian stretch still default to 3.5.3 it is worth
    # special-casing this. It will break when running mypy under these
    # conditions but that's an acceptable tradeoff.
    from typing import Deque

Kind = Type[Token]
K = TypeVar("K", bound=Kind)
N = TypeVar("N", bound=_ast.Node)
LocCallable = Callable[[Token], Optional[Tuple[int, int]]]

def _unexpected_token(
    token: Token, position: int, source: str
) -> GraphQLSyntaxError:
    if isinstance(token, EOF):
        return UnexpectedEOF(position, source)

    return UnexpectedToken('Unexpected "%s"' % token, position, source)

[docs]def parse(source: Union[str, bytes], **kwargs: Any) -> _ast.Document: """ Parse a string as a GraphQL Document. Args: source (Union[str, bytes]): source document. **kwargs: Remaining keyword arguments passed to :class:`Parser` Raises: :class:`~py_gql.exc.GraphQLSyntaxError`: if a syntax error is encountered. Returns: `py_gql.lang.ast.Document`: Parsed document. """ return Parser(source, **kwargs).parse_document()
[docs]def parse_value( source: Union[str, bytes], **kwargs: Any ) -> Union[_ast.Variable, _ast.Value]: """ Parse a string as a single GraphQL value. This is useful within tools that operate upon GraphQL values (e.g. ``[42]``) directly and in isolation of complete GraphQL documents. Consider providing the results to the utility functions :func:`py_gql.utilities.untyped_value_from_ast` and :func:`py_gql.utilities.value_from_ast`. Args: source (Union[str, bytes]): source document **kwargs: Remaining keyword arguments passed to :class:`Parser` Raises: :class:`~py_gql.exc.GraphQLSyntaxError`: if a syntax error is encountered. Returns: Parsed value node. Raises: GraphQLSyntaxError """ parser = Parser(source, **kwargs) parser.expect(SOF) value = parser.parse_value_literal(False) parser.expect(EOF) return value
[docs]def parse_type(source: Union[str, bytes], **kwargs: Any) -> _ast.Type: """ Parse a string as a single GraphQL type. This is useful within tools that operate upon GraphQL types (e.g. ``[Int!]``) directly and in isolation of complete GraphQL documents such as when building a schema from the SDL or stitching schemas together. Args: source (Union[str, bytes]): source document **kwargs: Remaining keyword arguments passed to :class:`Parser` Returns: Parsed value node. Raises: GraphQLSyntaxError """ parser = Parser(source, **kwargs) parser.expect(SOF) value = parser.parse_type_reference() parser.expect(EOF) return value
[docs]class Parser: """ GraphQL syntax parser. Call :meth:`parse_document` to parse a GraphQL document. All ``parse_*`` methods will raise :class:`~py_gql.exc.GraphQLSyntaxError` if a syntax error is encountered. Args: source (Union[str, bytes]): source document no_location (bool): By default, the parser creates AST nodes that know the location in the source that they correspond to. This configuration flag disables that behavior for performance or testing reasons. allow_type_system (bool): By default, the parser will accept schema definition nodes, when only executing GraphQL queries setting this to ``False`` can save operations and remove the need for some later validation. experimental_fragment_variables (bool): If enabled, the parser will understand and parse variable definitions contained in a fragment definition. They'll be represented in the ``variable_definitions`` field of the FragmentDefinition. The syntax is identical to normal, query-defined variables, for example: .. code-block:: graphql fragment A($var: Boolean = false) on T { ... } Warning: This feature is experimental and may change or be removed in the future. See for the open spec PR. """ __slots__ = ( "_lexer", "_source", "_loc", "_allow_type_system", "_experimental_fragment_variables", "_buffer", "_last", ) def __init__( self, source: Union[str, bytes], no_location: bool = False, allow_type_system: bool = False, experimental_fragment_variables: bool = False, ): self._lexer = Lexer(source) self._source = self._lexer._source self._allow_type_system = allow_type_system self._experimental_fragment_variables = experimental_fragment_variables self._loc = ( (lambda _: None) if no_location else (lambda start: (start.start, self._last.end)) ) # type: LocCallable # Keep track of the current parsing window + last seen token internally # as the Lexer iterator itself doesn't handle backtracking or lookahead # semantics and can only be consumed once. self._buffer = collections.deque() # type: Deque[Token] def _advance_window(self, by: int = 1) -> None: """ Advance the parsing window by one element. Raises: UnexpectedEOF: when trying to advance while parsing buffer is empty. """ c = 0 while c < by: try: self._buffer.appendleft(next(self._lexer)) c += 1 except StopIteration: if len(self._buffer) == 0: raise UnexpectedEOF(self._lexer._len, self._lexer._source)
[docs] def peek(self, count: int = 1) -> Token: """ Look at a token ahead of the current position without advancing the parser. Args: count (int): How many tokens should we look ahead Returns: Token Raises: UnexpectedEOF: if there is not enough tokens left in the lexer. """ delta = count - len(self._buffer) if delta: self._advance_window(by=delta) return self._buffer[-count]
[docs] def advance(self) -> Token: """ Move parsing window forward and return the next token. Returns: Token Raises: UnexpectedEOF: if there is not enough tokens left in the lexer. """ if not self._buffer: self._advance_window() self._last = self._buffer.pop() return self._last
[docs] def expect(self, kind: Kind) -> Token: """ Advance the parser asserting the kind of the the next token. Args: kind: Expected token kind. Must be a subclass of :class:`py_gql.lang.token.Token` Returns: Token Raises: UnexpectedToken: If the next token is not of the given kind. """ next_token = self.peek() if next_token.__class__ is kind: return self.advance() raise UnexpectedToken( 'Expected %s but found "%s"' % (kind.__name__, next_token), next_token.start, self._lexer._source, )
[docs] def expect_keyword(self, keyword: str) -> Name: """ Advance the parser asserting that the next token is a specific Name. Args: keyword (str): Expected keyword Returns: Name token Raises: UnexpectedToken: If the next token is not a name with the given value. """ next_token = self.peek() if next_token.__class__ is Name and next_token.value == keyword: return cast(Name, self.advance()) raise UnexpectedToken( 'Expected "%s" but found "%s"' % (keyword, next_token), next_token.start, self._lexer._source, )
[docs] def skip(self, kind: Kind) -> bool: """ Conditionally advance the parser. Args: kind: Token kind to read over. Must be a subclass of :class:`py_gql.lang.token.Token` Returns: ``True`` if the next token was of the given kind and we've advanced the parser, ``False`` otherwise. """ if self.peek().__class__ is kind: self.advance() return True return False
[docs] def skip_keyword(self, keyword: str) -> bool: """ Conditionally advance the parser asserting over a given keyword. Args: keyword (str): Expected keyword Returns: ``True`` if the next token was the given keyword and we've advanced the parser, ``False`` otherwise. """ next_token = self.peek() if next_token.__class__ is Name and next_token.value == keyword: self.advance() return True return False
[docs] def many( self, open_kind: Kind, parse_fn: Callable[[], N], close_kind: Kind ) -> List[N]: """ Parse a non-empty list of nodes surrounded by ``open_kind`` and ``close_kind``. This advances the parser to the next token after the closing token. Args: open_kind: Opening token kind. Must be a subclass of :class:`py_gql.lang.token.Token` parse_fn (callable): Function to call for every item, should be a method of the :class:`Parser` instance. close_kind: Closing token kind. Must be a subclass of :class:`py_gql.lang.token.Token` Returns: List of parsed nodes. Raises: UnexpectedToken: if opening, entry or closing token do not match. """ self.expect(open_kind) nodes = [] while True: nodes.append(parse_fn()) if self.skip(close_kind): break return nodes
[docs] def any_( self, open_kind: Kind, parse_fn: Callable[[], N], close_kind: Kind ) -> List[N]: """ Parse a list of nodes surrounded by ``open_kind`` and ``close_kind``. This advances the parser to the next token after the closing token. Args: open_kind: Opening token kind. Must be a subclass of :class:`py_gql.lang.token.Token` parse_fn (callable): Function to call for every item, should be a method of the :class:`Parser` instance. close_kind: Closing token kind. Must be a subclass of :class:`py_gql.lang.token.Token` Returns: List of parsed nodes. Raises: UnexpectedToken: if opening, entry or closing token do not match. """ self.expect(open_kind) nodes = [] while not self.skip(close_kind): nodes.append(parse_fn()) return nodes
[docs] def delimited_list( self, delimiter: Kind, parse_fn: Callable[[], N] ) -> List[N]: """ Parse a list of nodes separated by ``delimiter`` tokens. Advances the parser to the next token after the last token. Args: delimiter: Delimiter kind. Must be a subclass of :class:`py_gql.lang.token.Token` parse_fn (callable): Function to call for every item, should be a method of the :class:`Parser` instance. Returns: List of parsed nodes. Raises: UnexpectedToken: if opening, entry or closing token do not match. """ items = [] self.skip(delimiter) while True: items.append(parse_fn()) if not self.skip(delimiter): break return items
[docs] def parse_document(self) -> _ast.Document: """ Document : Definition+ """ start = self.peek() self.expect(SOF) definitions = [] while True: definitions.append(self.parse_definition()) if self.skip(EOF): break return _ast.Document( definitions=definitions, loc=self._loc(start), source=self._source )
[docs] def parse_definition(self) -> _ast.Definition: """ Definition : ExecutableDefinition | TypeSystemDefinition Ignores type system definitions if ``allow_type_system`` was set to ``False``. """ start = self.peek() if start.__class__ is Name: if start.value in EXECUTABLE_DEFINITIONS_KEYWORDS: return self.parse_executable_definition() elif self._allow_type_system: if start.value in SCHEMA_DEFINITIONS_KEYWORDS: return self.parse_type_system_definition() elif start.value == "extend": return self.parse_type_system_extension() elif start.__class__ is CurlyOpen: return self.parse_executable_definition() elif self._allow_type_system and ( start.__class__ is String or start.__class__ is BlockString ): return self.parse_type_system_definition() raise _unexpected_token(start, start.start, self._lexer._source)
[docs] def parse_name(self) -> _ast.Name: """ Convert a name token into a name parse node. """ token = self.expect(Name) return _ast.Name( value=token.value, loc=self._loc(token), source=self._source )
[docs] def parse_executable_definition(self,) -> _ast.ExecutableDefinition: """ ExecutableDefinition : OperationDefinition | FragmentDefinition """ start = self.peek() if start.__class__ is Name: if start.value in OPERATION_TYPES_KEYWORDS: return self.parse_operation_definition() elif start.value == "fragment": return self.parse_fragment_definition() elif start.__class__ is CurlyOpen: return self.parse_operation_definition() raise _unexpected_token(start, start.start, self._lexer._source)
[docs] def parse_operation_definition(self,) -> _ast.OperationDefinition: """ OperationDefinition : SelectionSet | OperationType Name? VariableDefinitions? Directives? SelectionSet """ start = self.peek() if start.__class__ is CurlyOpen: return _ast.OperationDefinition( operation="query", name=None, variable_definitions=[], directives=[], selection_set=self.parse_selection_set(), loc=self._loc(start), source=self._source, ) return _ast.OperationDefinition( operation=self.parse_operation_type(), name=self.parse_name() if self.peek().__class__ is Name else None, variable_definitions=self.parse_variable_definitions(), directives=self.parse_directives(False), selection_set=self.parse_selection_set(), loc=self._loc(start), )
[docs] def parse_operation_type(self) -> str: """ OperationType : one of "query" "mutation" "subscription" """ token = self.expect(Name) if token.value in ("query", "mutation", "subscription"): return token.value raise _unexpected_token(token, token.start, self._lexer._source)
[docs] def parse_variable_definitions(self,) -> List[_ast.VariableDefinition]: """ VariableDefinitions : ( VariableDefinition+ ) """ if self.peek().__class__ is ParenOpen: return self.many( ParenOpen, self.parse_variable_definition, ParenClose ) return []
[docs] def parse_variable_definition(self,) -> _ast.VariableDefinition: """ VariableDefinition : Variable : Type DefaultValue? Directives[Const]? """ start = self.peek() return _ast.VariableDefinition( variable=self.parse_variable(), type=cast( _ast.Type, self.expect(Colon) and self.parse_type_reference() ), default_value=( cast(_ast.Value, self.parse_value_literal(True)) if self.skip(Equals) else None ), directives=self.parse_directives(True), loc=self._loc(start), source=self._source, )
[docs] def parse_variable(self) -> _ast.Variable: """ Variable : $ Name """ start = self.peek() self.expect(Dollar) return _ast.Variable( name=self.parse_name(), loc=self._loc(start), source=self._source )
[docs] def parse_selection_set(self) -> _ast.SelectionSet: """ SelectionSet : { Selection+ } """ start = self.peek() return _ast.SelectionSet( selections=self.many(CurlyOpen, self.parse_selection, CurlyClose), loc=self._loc(start), source=self._source, )
[docs] def parse_selection(self) -> _ast.Selection: """ Selection : Field | FragmentSpread | InlineFragment """ if self.peek().__class__ is Ellip: return self.parse_fragment() return self.parse_field()
[docs] def parse_field(self) -> _ast.Field: """ Field : Alias? Name Arguments? Directives? SelectionSet? - Alias : Name : """ start = self.peek() name_or_alias = self.parse_name() if self.skip(Colon): alias = name_or_alias # type: Optional[_ast.Name] name = self.parse_name() # type: _ast.Name else: alias, name = None, name_or_alias return _ast.Field( alias=alias, name=name, arguments=self.parse_arguments(False), directives=self.parse_directives(False), selection_set=( self.parse_selection_set() if self.peek().__class__ is CurlyOpen else None ), loc=self._loc(start), source=self._source, )
[docs] def parse_arguments(self, const: bool = False) -> List[_ast.Argument]: """ Arguments[Const] : ( Argument[?Const]+ ) """ if self.peek().__class__ is ParenOpen: return self.many( ParenOpen, ft.partial(self.parse_argument, const), ParenClose ) return []
[docs] def parse_argument(self, const: bool = False) -> _ast.Argument: """ Argument[Const] : Name : Value[?Const] """ start = self.peek() return _ast.Argument( name=self.parse_name(), value=cast( Union[_ast.Value, _ast.Variable], self.expect(Colon) and self.parse_value_literal(const), ), loc=self._loc(start), source=self._source, )
[docs] def parse_fragment( self, ) -> Union[_ast.InlineFragment, _ast.FragmentSpread]: """ FragmeSpread | InlineFragment - FragmentSpread : ... FragmentName Directives? - InlineFragment : ... TypeCondition? Directives? SelectionSet """ start = self.peek() self.expect(Ellip) lead = self.peek() if lead.__class__ is Name and lead.value != "on": return _ast.FragmentSpread( name=self.parse_fragment_name(), directives=self.parse_directives(False), loc=self._loc(start), source=self._source, ) return _ast.InlineFragment( type_condition=( cast(_ast.NamedType, self.advance() and self.parse_named_type()) if lead.value == "on" else None ), directives=self.parse_directives(False), selection_set=self.parse_selection_set(), loc=self._loc(start), source=self._source, )
[docs] def parse_fragment_definition(self,) -> _ast.FragmentDefinition: """ FragmentDefinition : fragment FragmentName on TypeCondition Directives? SelectionSet - TypeCondition : NamedType """ start = self.peek() self.expect_keyword("fragment") return _ast.FragmentDefinition( name=self.parse_fragment_name(), variable_definitions=( self.parse_variable_definitions() if self._experimental_fragment_variables else None ), type_condition=cast( _ast.NamedType, self.expect_keyword("on") and self.parse_named_type(), ), directives=self.parse_directives(False), selection_set=self.parse_selection_set(), loc=self._loc(start), source=self._source, )
[docs] def parse_fragment_name(self) -> _ast.Name: """ FragmentName : Name but not "on" """ token = self.peek() if token.value == "on": raise _unexpected_token(token, token.start, self._lexer._source) return self.parse_name()
[docs] def parse_value_literal( self, const: bool = False ) -> Union[_ast.Value, _ast.Variable]: """ Value[Const] : [~Const]Variable | IntValue | FloatValue | StringValue | BooleanValue | NullValue | EnumValue | ListValue[?Const] | ObjectValue[?Const] - BooleanValue : one of "true" "false" - NullValue : "null" - EnumValue : Name but not "true", "false" or "null" """ token = self.peek() kind = type(token) value = token.value if kind is BracketOpen: return self.parse_list(const) elif kind is CurlyOpen: return self.parse_object(const) elif kind is Integer: self.advance() return _ast.IntValue( value=value, loc=self._loc(token), source=self._source ) elif kind is Float: self.advance() return _ast.FloatValue( value=value, loc=self._loc(token), source=self._source ) elif kind in (String, BlockString): return self.parse_string_literal() elif kind is Name: if value in ("true", "false"): self.advance() return _ast.BooleanValue( value=value == "true", loc=self._loc(token), source=self._source, ) elif value == "null": self.advance() return _ast.NullValue(loc=self._loc(token), source=self._source) else: self.advance() return _ast.EnumValue( value=value, loc=self._loc(token), source=self._source ) elif kind is Dollar and not const: return self.parse_variable() raise _unexpected_token(token, token.start, self._lexer._source)
def parse_string_literal(self) -> _ast.StringValue: token = self.advance() return _ast.StringValue( value=token.value, block=token.__class__ is BlockString, loc=self._loc(token), source=self._source, )
[docs] def parse_list(self, const: bool = False) -> _ast.ListValue: """ ListValue[Const] : [ ] | [ Value[?Const]+ ] """ start = self.peek() return _ast.ListValue( values=self.any_( BracketOpen, ft.partial(self.parse_value_literal, const), BracketClose, ), loc=self._loc(start), source=self._source, )
[docs] def parse_object(self, const: bool = False) -> _ast.ObjectValue: """ ObjectValue[Const] { } | { ObjectField[?Const]+ } """ start = self.expect(CurlyOpen) fields = [] while not self.skip(CurlyClose): fields.append(self.parse_object_field(const)) return _ast.ObjectValue( fields=fields, loc=self._loc(start), source=self._source )
[docs] def parse_object_field(self, const: bool = False) -> _ast.ObjectField: """ ObjectField[Const] : Name : Value[?Const] """ start = self.peek() return _ast.ObjectField( name=self.parse_name(), value=cast( _ast.Value, self.expect(Colon) and self.parse_value_literal(const), ), loc=self._loc(start), source=self._source, )
[docs] def parse_directives(self, const: bool = False) -> List[_ast.Directive]: """ Directives[Const] : Directive[?Const]+ """ directives = [] while self.peek().__class__ is At: directives.append(self.parse_directive(const)) return directives
[docs] def parse_directive(self, const: bool = False) -> _ast.Directive: """ Directive[Const] : @ Name Arguments[?Const]? """ start = self.expect(At) return _ast.Directive( name=self.parse_name(), arguments=self.parse_arguments(const), loc=self._loc(start), source=self._source, )
[docs] def parse_type_reference(self) -> _ast.Type: """ Type : NamedType | ListType | NonNullType """ start = self.peek() if self.skip(BracketOpen): inner_type = self.parse_type_reference() self.expect(BracketClose) type_ = _ast.ListType( type=inner_type, loc=self._loc(start), source=self._source ) # type: Union[_ast.ListType, _ast.NamedType] else: type_ = self.parse_named_type() if self.skip(ExclamationMark): return _ast.NonNullType( type=type_, loc=self._loc(start), source=self._source ) return type_
[docs] def parse_named_type(self) -> _ast.NamedType: """ NamedType : Name """ start = self.peek() return _ast.NamedType( name=self.parse_name(), loc=self._loc(start), source=self._source )
[docs] def parse_type_system_definition(self,) -> _ast.TypeSystemDefinition: """ TypeSystemDefinition : SchemaDefinition | TypeDefinition | TypeExtension | DirectiveDefinition - TypeDefinition : ScalarTypeDefinition | ObjectTypeDefinition | InterfaceTypeDefinition | UnionTypeDefinition | EnumTypeDefinition | InputObjectTypeDefinition """ next_ = self.peek() keyword = ( self.peek(2) if (next_.__class__ is String or next_.__class__ is BlockString) else next_ ) if type(keyword) == Name: if keyword.value == "schema": return self.parse_schema_definition() elif keyword.value == "scalar": return self.parse_scalar_type_definition() elif keyword.value == "type": return self.parse_object_type_definition() elif keyword.value == "interface": return self.parse_interface_type_definition() elif keyword.value == "union": return self.parse_union_type_definition() elif keyword.value == "enum": return self.parse_enum_type_definition() elif keyword.value == "input": return self.parse_input_object_type_definition() elif keyword.value == "directive": return self.parse_directive_definition() raise _unexpected_token(keyword, keyword.start, self._lexer._source)
[docs] def parse_description(self) -> Optional[_ast.StringValue]: """ Description : StringValue """ next_ = self.peek() return ( self.parse_string_literal() if (next_.__class__ is String or next_.__class__ is BlockString) else None )
[docs] def parse_schema_definition(self) -> _ast.SchemaDefinition: """ SchemaDefinition : Description? schema Directives[Const]? { OperationTypeDefinition+ } """ start = self.peek() desc = self.parse_description() self.expect_keyword("schema") return _ast.SchemaDefinition( directives=self.parse_directives(True), operation_types=self.many( CurlyOpen, self.parse_operation_type_definition, CurlyClose ), description=desc, loc=self._loc(start), source=self._source, )
[docs] def parse_operation_type_definition(self,) -> _ast.OperationTypeDefinition: """ OperationTypeDefinition : OperationType : NamedType """ start = self.peek() operation = self.parse_operation_type() self.expect(Colon) return _ast.OperationTypeDefinition( operation=operation, type=self.parse_named_type(), loc=self._loc(start), source=self._source, )
[docs] def parse_scalar_type_definition(self,) -> _ast.ScalarTypeDefinition: """ ScalarTypeDefinition : Description? scalar Name Directives[Const]? """ start = self.peek() desc = self.parse_description() self.expect_keyword("scalar") return _ast.ScalarTypeDefinition( description=desc, name=self.parse_name(), directives=self.parse_directives(True), loc=self._loc(start), source=self._source, )
[docs] def parse_object_type_definition(self,) -> _ast.ObjectTypeDefinition: """ ObjectTypeDefinition : Description? type Name ImplementsInterfaces? Directives[Const]? FieldsDefinition? """ start = self.peek() desc = self.parse_description() self.expect_keyword("type") return _ast.ObjectTypeDefinition( description=desc, name=self.parse_name(), interfaces=self.parse_implements_interfaces(), directives=self.parse_directives(True), fields=self.parse_fields_definition(), loc=self._loc(start), source=self._source, )
[docs] def parse_implements_interfaces(self,) -> List[_ast.NamedType]: """ ImplementsInterfaces : implements `&`? NamedType | ImplementsInterfaces & NamedType """ token = self.peek() types = [] if token.value == "implements": self.advance() self.skip(Ampersand) while True: types.append(self.parse_named_type()) if not self.skip(Ampersand): break return types
[docs] def parse_fields_definition(self) -> List[_ast.FieldDefinition]: """ FieldsDefinition : { FieldDefinition+ } """ if self.peek().__class__ is CurlyOpen: return self.many(CurlyOpen, self.parse_field_definition, CurlyClose) return []
[docs] def parse_field_definition(self) -> _ast.FieldDefinition: """ FieldDefinition : Description? Name ArgumentsDefinition? : Type Directives[Const]? """ start = self.peek() desc, name = self.parse_description(), self.parse_name() args = self.parse_argument_definitions() self.expect(Colon) return _ast.FieldDefinition( description=desc, name=name, arguments=args, type=self.parse_type_reference(), directives=self.parse_directives(True), loc=self._loc(start), source=self._source, )
[docs] def parse_argument_definitions(self) -> List[_ast.InputValueDefinition]: """ ArgumentsDefinition : ( InputValueDefinition+ ) """ return ( self.many(ParenOpen, self.parse_input_value_definition, ParenClose) if self.peek().__class__ is ParenOpen else [] )
[docs] def parse_input_value_definition(self) -> _ast.InputValueDefinition: """ InputValueDefinition : Description? Name : Type DefaultValue? Directives[Const]? """ start = self.peek() desc, name = self.parse_description(), self.parse_name() self.expect(Colon) return _ast.InputValueDefinition( description=desc, name=name, type=self.parse_type_reference(), default_value=( cast(_ast.Value, self.parse_value_literal(True)) if self.skip(Equals) else None ), directives=self.parse_directives(True), loc=self._loc(start), source=self._source, )
[docs] def parse_interface_type_definition(self) -> _ast.InterfaceTypeDefinition: """ InterfaceTypeDefinition : Description? interface Name Directives[Const]? FieldsDefinition? """ start = self.peek() desc = self.parse_description() self.expect_keyword("interface") return _ast.InterfaceTypeDefinition( description=desc, name=self.parse_name(), directives=self.parse_directives(True), fields=self.parse_fields_definition(), loc=self._loc(start), source=self._source, )
[docs] def parse_union_type_definition(self) -> _ast.UnionTypeDefinition: """ UnionTypeDefinition : Description? union Name Directives[Const]? UnionMemberTypes? """ start = self.peek() desc = self.parse_description() self.expect_keyword("union") return _ast.UnionTypeDefinition( description=desc, name=self.parse_name(), directives=self.parse_directives(True), types=self.parse_union_member_types(), loc=self._loc(start), source=self._source, )
[docs] def parse_union_member_types(self) -> List[_ast.NamedType]: """ UnionMemberTypes : = `|`? NamedType | UnionMemberTypes | NamedType """ if self.skip(Equals): return self.delimited_list(Pipe, self.parse_named_type) return []
[docs] def parse_enum_type_definition(self) -> _ast.EnumTypeDefinition: """ EnumTypeDefinition : Description? enum Name Directives[Const]? EnumValuesDefinition? """ start = self.peek() desc = self.parse_description() self.expect_keyword("enum") return _ast.EnumTypeDefinition( description=desc, name=self.parse_name(), directives=self.parse_directives(True), values=self.parse_enum_values_definition(), loc=self._loc(start), source=self._source, )
[docs] def parse_enum_values_definition(self) -> List[_ast.EnumValueDefinition]: """ EnumValuesDefinition : { EnumValueDefinition+ } """ return ( self.many(CurlyOpen, self.parse_enum_value_definition, CurlyClose) if self.peek().__class__ is CurlyOpen else [] )
[docs] def parse_enum_value_definition(self) -> _ast.EnumValueDefinition: """ EnumValueDefinition : Description? EnumValue Directives[Const]? - EnumValue : Name """ start = self.peek() return _ast.EnumValueDefinition( description=self.parse_description(), name=self.parse_name(), directives=self.parse_directives(True), loc=self._loc(start), source=self._source, )
[docs] def parse_input_object_type_definition( self, ) -> _ast.InputObjectTypeDefinition: """ InputObjectTypeDefinition : Description? input Name Directives[Const]? InputFieldsDefinition? """ start = self.peek() desc = self.parse_description() self.expect_keyword("input") return _ast.InputObjectTypeDefinition( description=desc, name=self.parse_name(), directives=self.parse_directives(True), fields=self.parse_input_fields_definition(), loc=self._loc(start), source=self._source, )
[docs] def parse_input_fields_definition(self) -> List[_ast.InputValueDefinition]: """ InputFieldsDefinition : { InputValueDefinition+ } """ return ( self.many(CurlyOpen, self.parse_input_value_definition, CurlyClose) if self.peek().__class__ is CurlyOpen else [] )
[docs] def parse_type_system_extension(self) -> _ast.TypeSystemExtension: """ TypeSystemExtension : SchemaExtension | TypeExtension - TypeExtension : ScalarTypeExtension | ObjectTypeExtension | InterfaceTypeExtension | UnionTypeExtension | EnumTypeExtension | InputObjectTypeDefinition """ keyword = self.peek(2) if keyword.__class__ is Name: if keyword.value == "schema": return self.parse_schema_extension() elif keyword.value == "scalar": return self.parse_scalar_type_extension() elif keyword.value == "type": return self.parse_object_type_extension() elif keyword.value == "interface": return self.parse_interface_type_extension() elif keyword.value == "union": return self.parse_union_type_extension() elif keyword.value == "enum": return self.parse_enum_type_extension() elif keyword.value == "input": return self.parse_input_object_type_extension() raise _unexpected_token(keyword, keyword.start, self._lexer._source)
[docs] def parse_schema_extension(self) -> _ast.SchemaExtension: """ SchemaExtension : extend schema Directives[Const] { [OperationTypeDefinition] } | extend schema Directives[Const] """ start = self.peek() self.expect_keyword("extend") self.expect_keyword("schema") directives = self.parse_directives(True) if self.peek().__class__ is CurlyOpen: operation_types = self.many( CurlyOpen, self.parse_operation_type_definition, CurlyClose ) else: operation_types = [] return _ast.SchemaExtension( directives=directives, operation_types=operation_types, loc=self._loc(start), source=self._source, )
[docs] def parse_scalar_type_extension(self) -> _ast.ScalarTypeExtension: """ ScalarTypeExtension : extend scalar Name Directives[Const] """ start = self.peek() self.expect_keyword("extend") self.expect_keyword("scalar") name = self.parse_name() directives = self.parse_directives(True) if not directives: raise _unexpected_token(start, start.start, self._lexer._source) return _ast.ScalarTypeExtension( name=name, directives=directives, loc=self._loc(start), source=self._source, )
[docs] def parse_object_type_extension(self) -> _ast.ObjectTypeExtension: """ ObjectTypeExtension : extend type Name ImplementsInterfaces? Directives[Const]? FieldsDefinition | extend type Name ImplementsInterfaces? Directives[Const] | extend type Name ImplementsInterfaces """ start = self.peek() self.expect_keyword("extend") self.expect_keyword("type") name = self.parse_name() interfaces = self.parse_implements_interfaces() directives = self.parse_directives(True) fields = self.parse_fields_definition() if (not interfaces) and (not directives) and (not fields): tok = self.peek() raise _unexpected_token(tok, tok.start, self._lexer._source) return _ast.ObjectTypeExtension( name=name, interfaces=interfaces, directives=directives, fields=fields, loc=self._loc(start), source=self._source, )
[docs] def parse_interface_type_extension(self) -> _ast.InterfaceTypeExtension: """ InterfaceTypeExtension : extend interface Name Directives[Const]? FieldsDefinition | extend interface Name Directives[Const] """ start = self.peek() self.expect_keyword("extend") self.expect_keyword("interface") name = self.parse_name() directives = self.parse_directives(True) fields = self.parse_fields_definition() if (not directives) and (not fields): tok = self.peek() raise _unexpected_token(tok, tok.start, self._lexer._source) return _ast.InterfaceTypeExtension( name=name, directives=directives, fields=fields, loc=self._loc(start), source=self._source, )
[docs] def parse_union_type_extension(self) -> _ast.UnionTypeExtension: """ UnionTypeExtension : extend union Name Directives[Const]? UnionMemberTypes | extend union Name Directives[Const] """ start = self.peek() self.expect_keyword("extend") self.expect_keyword("union") name = self.parse_name() directives = self.parse_directives(True) types = self.parse_union_member_types() if (not directives) and (not types): tok = self.peek() raise _unexpected_token(tok, tok.start, self._lexer._source) return _ast.UnionTypeExtension( name=name, directives=directives, types=types, loc=self._loc(start), source=self._source, )
[docs] def parse_enum_type_extension(self) -> _ast.EnumTypeExtension: """ EnumTypeExtension : extend enum Name Directives[Const]? EnumValuesDefinition | extend enum Name Directives[Const] """ start = self.peek() self.expect_keyword("extend") self.expect_keyword("enum") name = self.parse_name() directives = self.parse_directives(True) values = self.parse_enum_values_definition() if (not directives) and (not values): tok = self.peek() raise _unexpected_token(tok, tok.start, self._lexer._source) return _ast.EnumTypeExtension( name=name, directives=directives, values=values, loc=self._loc(start), source=self._source, )
[docs] def parse_input_object_type_extension( self, ) -> _ast.InputObjectTypeExtension: """ InputObjectTypeExtension : extend input Name Directives[Const]? InputFieldsDefinition | extend input Name Directives[Const] """ start = self.peek() self.expect_keyword("extend") self.expect_keyword("input") name = self.parse_name() directives = self.parse_directives(True) fields = self.parse_input_fields_definition() if (not directives) and (not fields): raise UnexpectedToken("", start.start, self._lexer._source) return _ast.InputObjectTypeExtension( name=name, directives=directives, fields=fields, loc=self._loc(start), source=self._source, )
[docs] def parse_directive_definition(self) -> _ast.DirectiveDefinition: """ DirectiveDefinition : Description? directive @ Name ArgumentsDefinition? repeatable? on DirectiveLocations """ start = self.peek() desc = self.parse_description() self.expect_keyword("directive") self.expect(At) name = self.parse_name() args = self.parse_argument_definitions() repeatable = self.skip_keyword("repeatable") self.expect_keyword("on") return _ast.DirectiveDefinition( description=desc, name=name, arguments=args, repeatable=repeatable, locations=self.parse_directive_locations(), loc=self._loc(start), source=self._source, )
[docs] def parse_directive_locations(self) -> List[_ast.Name]: """ DirectiveLocations : `|`? DirectiveLocation `|` DirectiveLocations `|` DirectiveLocation """ return self.delimited_list(Pipe, self.parse_directive_location)
[docs] def parse_directive_location(self) -> _ast.Name: """ DirectiveLocation : ExecutableDirectiveLocation | TypeSystemDirectiveLocation - ExecutableDirectiveLocation : one of QUERY MUTATION SUBSCRIPTION FIELD FRAGMENT_DEFINITION FRAGMENT_SPREAD INLINE_FRAGMENT - TypeSystemDirectiveLocation : one of SCHEMA SCALAR OBJECT FIELD_DEFINITION ARGUMENT_DEFINITION INTERFACE UNION ENUM ENUM_VALUE INPUT_OBJECT INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION """ start = self.peek() name = self.parse_name() if name.value in _DIRECTIVE_LOCATIONS: return name raise UnexpectedToken( "Unexpected Name %s" % name.value, start.start, self._lexer._source )