Source code for py_gql.sdl.schema_from_ast

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import collections
from typing import (

from ..exc import ExtensionError, SDLError
from ..lang import ast as _ast, parse
from ..schema import NamedType, ObjectType, Schema
from .ast_type_builder import ASTTypeBuilder
from .schema_directives import SchemaDirective, apply_schema_directives

TTypeExtension = TypeVar("TTypeExtension", bound=Type[_ast.TypeExtension])
TSchemaDirective = TypeVar("TSchemaDirective", bound=Type[SchemaDirective])

__all__ = ("build_schema", "extend_schema")

[docs]def build_schema( document: Union[_ast.Document, str], *, ignore_extensions: bool = False, additional_types: Optional[List[NamedType]] = None, schema_directives: Optional[Sequence[TSchemaDirective]] = None ) -> Schema: """ Build an executable schema from a GraphQL document. This includes: - Generating types from their definitions - Applying schema and type extensions - Applying schema directives Args: document: SDL document ignore_extensions: Whether to apply schema and type extensions or not. additional_types: User supplied list of types Use this to specify some custom implementation for scalar, enums, etc. - In case of object types, interfaces, etc. the supplied type will override the extracted type without checking for compatibility. - Extension will be applied to these types. As a result, the resulting types may not be the same objects that were provided, so users should not rely on type identity. schema_directives: Schema directive classes. Members must be subclasses of :class:`py_gql.schema.SchemaDirective` Note: Specified directives such as ``@deperecated`` do not need to be specified this way and are always processed internally to ensure compliance with the specification. Returns: Executable schema Raises: py_gql.exc.SDLError: py_gql.exc.ExtensionError: """ ast = _document_ast(document) schema = build_schema_ignoring_extensions( ast, additional_types=additional_types ) if not ignore_extensions: schema = extend_schema( schema, ast, additional_types=additional_types, strict=False ) if schema_directives is not None: schema = apply_schema_directives(schema, schema_directives) schema.validate() return schema
def build_schema_ignoring_extensions( document: Union[_ast.Document, str], *, additional_types: Optional[List[NamedType]] = None ) -> Schema: """ Build an executable schema from an SDL schema definition ignoring extensions. """ ast = _document_ast(document) schema_def, type_defs, directive_defs = _collect_definitions(ast) builder = ASTTypeBuilder( type_defs, directive_defs, {}, additional_types=( { t for t in additional_types} if additional_types else {} ), ) directives = [ builder.build_directive(directive_def) for directive_def in directive_defs.values() ] # Cast is safe as type defs will always lead to named types and not wrapped types types = [ cast(NamedType, builder.build_type(type_def)) for type_def in type_defs.values() ] if schema_def is None: operations = { t for t in types if ( isinstance(t, ObjectType) and in ("Query", "Mutation", "Subscription") ) } else: operations = {} for op_def in schema_def.operation_types: op = op_def.operation if op in operations: raise SDLError( "Schema must only define a single %s operation" % op, [schema_def, op_def], ) operations[op] = cast(ObjectType, builder.build_type(op_def.type)) return Schema( query_type=operations.get("query"), mutation_type=operations.get("mutation"), subscription_type=operations.get("subscription"), description=( schema_def.description.value if schema_def is not None and schema_def.description is not None else None ), types=types, directives=directives, nodes=[schema_def] if schema_def else None, )
[docs]def extend_schema( schema: Schema, document: Union[_ast.Document, str], *, additional_types: Optional[List[NamedType]] = None, strict: bool = True, schema_directives: Optional[Sequence[TSchemaDirective]] = None ) -> Schema: """ Extend an existing Schema according to a GraphQL document This adds new types and directives as well as extends known types. Warning: Specified types (scalars, introspection) cannot be replace or extended. Args: schema: Executable schema document: SDL document additional_types: User supplied list of types Use this to specify some custom implementation for scalar, enums, etc. - In case of object types, interfaces, etc. the supplied type will override the extracted type without checking for compatibility. - Extension will be applied to these types. As a result, the resulting types may not be the same objects that were provided, so users should not rely on type identity. strict: Enable strict mode. In strict mode, unknown extension targets, overriding type and overriding the schema definition will raise an :class:`ExtensionError`. Disable strict mode will silently ignore such errors. schema_directives: Schema directive classes. Members must be subclasses of :class:`py_gql.schema.SchemaDirective` and must either define a non-null ``definition`` attribute or the corresponding definition must be present in the document. See :func:`~py_gql.schema.apply_schema_directives` for more details. Note: Specified directives such as ``@deperecated`` do not need to be specified this way and are always processed internally to ensure compliance with the specification. Returns: Schema: Executable schema Raises: ExtensionError: If applying an extension fails. """ ast = _document_ast(document) schema_exts, type_defs, directive_defs, type_exts = _collect_extensions( schema, ast, strict=strict ) if not ( schema_exts or (set(type_defs.keys()) - set(schema.types.keys())) or type_exts or (set(directive_defs.keys()) - set(schema.directives.keys())) ): return schema builder = ASTTypeBuilder( type_defs, directive_defs, type_exts, additional_types={ **schema.types, **{ t for t in additional_types or []}, }, ) directives = [ builder.extend_directive(d) for d in schema.directives.values() ] + [ builder.extend_directive(builder.build_directive(d)) for d in directive_defs.values() ] # Cast is safe as type defs will always lead to named types and not wrapped types types = [ cast(NamedType, builder.extend_type(t)) for t in schema.types.values() if in type_exts ] + [ cast(NamedType, builder.extend_type(builder.build_type(t))) for t in type_defs.values() if not in schema.types ] def _extend_or(maybe_type): return builder.extend_type(maybe_type) if maybe_type else None operation_types = dict( query=_extend_or(schema.query_type), mutation=_extend_or(schema.mutation_type), subscription=_extend_or(schema.subscription_type), ) for ext in schema_exts: for op_def in ext.operation_types: op = op_def.operation if operation_types.get(op) is not None: raise ExtensionError( "Schema must only define a single %s operation" % op, [ext, op_def], ) operation_types[op] = builder.extend_type( builder.build_type(op_def.type) ) schema = Schema( query_type=operation_types["query"], mutation_type=operation_types["mutation"], subscription_type=operation_types["subscription"], types=types, directives=directives, nodes=(schema.nodes or []) + (schema_exts or []), # type: ignore ) if schema_directives is not None: schema = apply_schema_directives(schema, schema_directives) schema.validate() return schema
def _collect_definitions( document: _ast.Document, ) -> Tuple[ Optional[_ast.SchemaDefinition], Dict[str, _ast.TypeDefinition], Dict[str, _ast.DirectiveDefinition], ]: schema_definition = None types = {} # type: Dict[str, _ast.TypeDefinition] directives = {} # type: Dict[str, _ast.DirectiveDefinition] for node in document.definitions: if isinstance(node, _ast.SchemaDefinition): if schema_definition is not None: raise SDLError( "More than one schema definition in document", [node] ) schema_definition = node elif isinstance(node, _ast.TypeDefinition): name = if name in types: raise SDLError("Duplicate type %s" % name, [node]) types[name] = node elif isinstance(node, _ast.DirectiveDefinition): name = if name in directives: raise SDLError("Duplicate directive @%s" % name, [node]) directives[name] = node return schema_definition, types, directives def _document_ast(document: Union[str, _ast.Document]) -> _ast.Document: if isinstance(document, str): return parse(document, allow_type_system=True) elif isinstance(document, _ast.Document): return document else: TypeError("Expected Document but got %s" % type(document)) def _collect_extensions( # noqa: C901 schema: Schema, document: _ast.Document, strict: bool = True ) -> Tuple[ List[_ast.SchemaExtension], Dict[str, _ast.TypeDefinition], Dict[str, _ast.DirectiveDefinition], Dict[str, List[_ast.TypeExtension]], ]: schema_exts = [] # type: List[_ast.SchemaExtension] type_defs = {} # type: Dict[str, _ast.TypeDefinition] _type_exts = [] # type: List[_ast.TypeExtension] type_exts = collections.defaultdict( list ) # type: Dict[str, List[_ast.TypeExtension]] directive_defs = {} # type: Dict[str, _ast.DirectiveDefinition] for definition in document.definitions: if strict and isinstance(definition, _ast.SchemaDefinition): raise ExtensionError( "Cannot redefine schema in strict schema extension", [definition], ) elif isinstance(definition, _ast.SchemaExtension): schema_exts.append(definition) elif isinstance(definition, _ast.TypeDefinition): name = if name in schema.types: if strict: raise ExtensionError( 'Type "%s" is already defined in the schema.' % name, [definition], ) else: continue else: type_defs[name] = definition elif isinstance(definition, _ast.DirectiveDefinition): name = if name in schema.directives: if strict: raise ExtensionError( 'Directive "@%s" is already defined in the schema.' % name, [definition], ) else: continue else: directive_defs[name] = definition elif isinstance(definition, _ast.TypeExtension): _type_exts.append(definition) for ext in _type_exts: target = if not ((target in type_defs) or schema.has_type(target)): if strict: raise ExtensionError( 'Cannot extend undefined type "%s".' % target, [ext] ) else: continue else: type_exts[target].append(ext) return schema_exts, type_defs, directive_defs, dict(type_exts)