Source code for py_gql.utilities.coerce_value

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Utilities to validate Python values against a schema / types.

import json
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Mapping, Optional, Union

from .._utils import find_one
from ..exc import (
from ..lang import ast as _ast, print_ast
from ..schema import (
from .value_from_ast import value_from_ast

Path = List[Union[int, str]]

def _path(path):
    if not path:
        return []
    return ["value", *path]

[docs]def coerce_value( value: Any, type_: GraphQLType, node: Optional[_ast.Node] = None, path: Optional[Path] = None, ) -> Any: """ Coerce a Python value given a GraphQL Type. Args: value: Value to coerce type_: Expected type node: Relevant node path: Path into the value for nested values (lists, objects). Should only be set on recursive calls. Returns: The coerced value Raises: CoercionError: if coercion fails """ if path is None: path = [] if isinstance(type_, NonNullType): if value is None: raise CoercionError( "Expected non-nullable type %s not to be null" % type_, node, value_path=_path(path), ) type_ = type_.type if value is None: return None if isinstance(type_, ScalarType): try: return type_.parse(value) except ScalarParsingError as err: raise CoercionError(str(err), node, value_path=_path(path)) if isinstance(type_, EnumType): if isinstance(value, str): try: return type_.get_value(value) except UnknownEnumValue as err: raise CoercionError(str(err), node, value_path=_path(path)) else: raise CoercionError( "Expected type %s" % type_, node, value_path=_path(path) ) if isinstance(type_, ListType): return _coerce_list_value(value, type_, node, path) if isinstance(type_, InputObjectType): return _coerce_input_object(value, type_, node, path)
def _coerce_list_value( value: Any, type_: "ListType[GraphQLType]", node: Optional[_ast.Node], path: Path, ) -> List[Any]: if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): coerced = [] errors = [] for index, entry in enumerate(value): try: coerced.append( coerce_value( entry, type_.type, node=node, path=path + [index] ) ) except MultiCoercionError as err: for child_err in err.errors: errors.append(child_err) except CoercionError as err: errors.append(err) if len(errors) > 1: raise MultiCoercionError(errors) elif len(errors) == 1: raise errors[0] return coerced else: return [coerce_value(value, type_.type, node=node, path=path + [0])] def _coerce_input_object( value: Any, type_: InputObjectType, node: Optional[_ast.Node], path: Path ) -> Dict[str, Any]: if not isinstance(value, dict): raise CoercionError( "Expected type %s to be an object" %, node, value_path=_path(path), ) coerced = {} errors = [] for field in type_.fields: field_name = if field_name not in value: if isinstance(field.type, NonNullType): errors.append( CoercionError( "Field %s of required type %s was not provided" % (field_name, field.type), node, value_path=_path(path + [field_name]), ) ) else: try: coerced[field.python_name] = coerce_value( value[field_name], field.type, node, path + [field_name] ) except MultiCoercionError as err: for child_err in err.errors: errors.append(child_err) except CoercionError as err: errors.append(err) if len(errors) > 1: raise MultiCoercionError(errors) elif len(errors) == 1: raise errors[0] for fieldname in value.keys(): if fieldname not in type_.field_map: raise CoercionError( "Field %s is not defined by type %s" % (fieldname, type_), node, value_path=_path(path), ) return coerced
[docs]def coerce_argument_values( definition: Union[Field, Directive], node: Union[_ast.Field, _ast.Directive], variables: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Prepare a dict of argument values given a definition and a node. Warning: Missing arguments (according to the definition) will not be present in the resulting dictionary unless they have a default value. Args: definition: Field or Directive definition from which to extract argument definitions. node: Parse node variables: Coerced variable values Returns: Coerced arguments Raises: CoercionError: If any argument fails to coerce, is missing, etc. """ variables = {} if variables is None else variables coerced_values = {} values = { a for a in node.arguments} for arg_def in definition.arguments: arg_name = target_name = arg_def.python_name arg_type = arg_def.type try: arg = values[arg_name] except KeyError: if arg_def.has_default_value: coerced_values[target_name] = arg_def.default_value elif isinstance(arg_type, NonNullType): raise CoercionError( 'Argument "%s" of required type "%s" was not provided' % (arg_name, arg_type), [node], ) else: if isinstance(arg.value, _ast.Variable): varname = if varname in variables: coerced_values[target_name] = variables[varname] elif arg_def.has_default_value: coerced_values[target_name] = arg_def.default_value elif isinstance(arg_type, NonNullType): raise CoercionError( 'Argument "%s" of required type "%s" was provided the ' 'missing variable "$%s"' % (arg_name, arg_type, varname), [node], ) else: try: coerced_values[target_name] = value_from_ast( arg.value, arg_type, variables=variables ) except InvalidValue as err: raise CoercionError( 'Argument "%s" of type "%s" was provided invalid value %s (%s)' % (arg_name, arg_type, print_ast(arg.value), err), [node], ) return coerced_values
[docs]def all_directive_arguments( definition: Directive, node: _ast.SupportDirectives, variables: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Extract all directive arguments given node and a directive definition. Args: definition: Directive definition from which to extract arguments node: Parse node variables: Coerced variable values Returns: List of coerced directive arguments for all occurrences of the directive. If the directive is not present the list is empty, otherwise this returns one or more (for repeatable directives) dictionnaries of arguments in the order they appear on the node. Raises: CoercionError: If any argument fails to coerce, is missing, etc. """ return [ coerce_argument_values(definition, directive, variables) for directive in node.directives if == ]
[docs]def directive_arguments( definition: Directive, node: _ast.SupportDirectives, variables: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Extract first directive arguments given node and a directive definition. Warning: This extracts at most a single set of arguments which may not be suitable for repeatable directives. In that case `py_gql.utilities. all_directive_arguments`. should be preferred. Args: definition: Directive definition from which to extract arguments node: Parse node variables: Coerced variable values Returns: Coerced directive arguments, ``None`` if the directive is not present on the node. Raises: CoercionError: If any argument fails to coerce, is missing, etc. """ directive = find_one( node.directives, lambda d: == ) return ( coerce_argument_values(definition, directive, variables) if directive is not None else None )
[docs]def coerce_variable_values( # noqa: C901 schema: Schema, operation: _ast.OperationDefinition, variables: Mapping[str, Any], ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Validate and extract variables from arbitrary JSON objects. Prepare an object map of variable values of the correct type based on the provided operation definition and arbitrary JSON input. If the input cannot be parsed to match the variable definitions, an ExecutionError will be thrown. The returned value is a plain dict since it is exposed to user code. Extra variables are ignored and filtered out. Args: schema: GraphQL Schema to consider operation: Operation definition containing the variable definitions variables: Provided raw variables Returns: Coerced variables Raises: VariablesCoercionError: If any variable cannot be coerced. """ coerced, errors = {}, [] for var_def in operation.variable_definitions: name = try: var_type = schema.get_type_from_literal(var_def.type) except UnknownType: errors.append( VariableCoercionError( 'Unknown type "%s" for variable "$%s"' % (print_ast(var_def.type), name), [var_def], ) ) continue if not is_input_type(var_type): errors.append( VariableCoercionError( 'Variable "$%s" expected value of type "%s" which cannot be used ' "as an input type." % (name, print_ast(var_def.type)), [var_def], ) ) continue if name not in variables: if var_def.default_value is not None: try: coerced[name] = value_from_ast( var_def.default_value, var_type ) except InvalidValue as err: errors.append( VariableCoercionError( 'Variable "$%s" got invalid default value %s (%s)' % (name, print_ast(var_def.default_value), err), [var_def], ) ) elif isinstance(var_type, NonNullType): errors.append( VariableCoercionError( 'Variable "$%s" of required type "%s" was not provided.' % (name, var_type), [var_def], ) ) else: value = variables[name] if value is None and isinstance(var_type, NonNullType): errors.append( VariableCoercionError( 'Variable "$%s" of required type "%s" must not be null.' % (name, var_type), [var_def], ) ) else: try: coerced[name] = coerce_value(value, var_type) except MultiCoercionError as err: for child_err in err.errors: errors.append( VariableCoercionError( 'Variable "$%s" got invalid value %s (%s)' % ( name, json.dumps(value, sort_keys=True), child_err, ), [var_def], ) ) except (InvalidValue, CoercionError) as err: errors.append( VariableCoercionError( 'Variable "$%s" got invalid value %s (%s)' % (name, json.dumps(value, sort_keys=True), err), [var_def], ) ) if errors: raise VariablesCoercionError(errors) return coerced