Source code for py_gql.validation.rules

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Validation rules defined in `the specification`_.

.. _the specification:

from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Dict, List, Set, Tuple, cast

from ..._string_utils import infer_suggestions, quoted_options_list
from ..._utils import OrderedDict, deduplicate
from ...exc import UnknownType
from ...lang import ast as _ast, print_ast
from ...lang.visitor import SkipNode
from ...schema import (
from ..visitors import ValidationVisitor, VariablesCollector
from .overlapping_fields_can_be_merged import (  # noqa: F401
from .values_of_correct_type import ValuesOfCorrectTypeChecker  # noqa: F401

__all__ = (

[docs]class ExecutableDefinitionsChecker(ValidationVisitor): """ A GraphQL document is only valid for execution if all definitions are either operation or fragment definitions. Unnecessary if parser was run with ``allow_type_system=False``. """ def enter_document(self, node): skip_doc = False for definition in node.definitions: if not isinstance(definition, _ast.ExecutableDefinition): name = ( "schema" if isinstance( definition, (_ast.SchemaDefinition, _ast.SchemaExtension), ) else ) self.add_error( "The %s definition is not executable." % name, [definition] ) skip_doc = True if skip_doc: raise SkipNode()
[docs]class UniqueOperationNameChecker(ValidationVisitor): """ A GraphQL document is only valid if all defined operations have unique names. """ def __init__(self, schema, type_info): super(UniqueOperationNameChecker, self).__init__(schema, type_info) self._names = set() # type: Set[str] def enter_operation_definition(self, node): op_name = if else node.operation if op_name in self._names: self.add_error('Duplicate operation "%s".' % op_name, [node]) raise SkipNode() self._names.add(op_name)
[docs]class LoneAnonymousOperationChecker(ValidationVisitor): """ A GraphQL document is only valid if when it contains an anonymous operation (the query short-hand) that it contains only that one operation definition. """ def enter_document(self, node): operation_definitions = [ d for d in node.definitions if isinstance(d, _ast.OperationDefinition) ] has_anonymous = any(( is None for d in operation_definitions)) if has_anonymous and len(operation_definitions) > 1: self.add_error( "The anonymous operation must be the only defined operation.", [node], ) raise SkipNode()
[docs]class SingleFieldSubscriptionsChecker(ValidationVisitor): """ A GraphQL subscription is valid only if it contains a single root field. """ def enter_operation_definition(self, node): if node.operation == "subscription": if len(node.selection_set.selections) != 1: if msg = ( 'Subscription "%s" must select only one top level field.' % ) else: msg = "Subscription must select only one top level field." self.add_error(msg, [node])
[docs]class KnownTypeNamesChecker(ValidationVisitor): """ A GraphQL document is only valid if referenced types (specifically variable definitions and fragment conditions) are defined by the type schema. """ def _skip(self, _): raise SkipNode() # Ignore type system defs enter_object_type_definition = _skip enter_interface_type_definition = _skip enter_union_type_definition = _skip enter_input_object_type_definition = _skip def _enter_type_literal(self, node): try: self.schema.get_type_from_literal(node) except UnknownType as err: self.add_error('Unknown type "%s"' % err, [node]) enter_named_type = _enter_type_literal enter_list_type = _enter_type_literal enter_non_null_type = _enter_type_literal
[docs]class FragmentsOnCompositeTypesChecker(ValidationVisitor): """ Fragments use a type condition to determine if they apply, since fragments can only be spread into a composite type (object, interface, or union), the type condition must also be a composite type. """ def enter_inline_fragment(self, node): if node.type_condition: type_ = self.schema.get_type_from_literal(node.type_condition) if not isinstance(type_, GraphQLCompositeType): self.add_error( 'Fragment cannot condition on non composite type "%s".' % type_, [node.type_condition], ) raise SkipNode() def enter_fragment_definition(self, node): type_ = self.schema.get_type_from_literal(node.type_condition) if not isinstance(type_, GraphQLCompositeType): self.add_error( 'Fragment "%s" cannot condition on non composite type "%s".' % (, type_), [node.type_condition], ) raise SkipNode()
[docs]class VariablesAreInputTypesChecker(ValidationVisitor): """ A GraphQL operation is only valid if all the variables it defines are of input types (scalar, enum, or input object). """ def enter_variable_definition(self, node): def _err(): self.add_error( 'Variable "$%s" must be input type' %, [node], ) try: type_ = self.schema.get_type_from_literal(node.type) except UnknownType: _err() else: if not is_input_type(type_): _err()
[docs]class ScalarLeafsChecker(ValidationVisitor): """ A GraphQL document is valid only if all leaf fields (fields without sub selections) are of scalar or enum types. """ def enter_field(self, node): type_ = self.type_info.type if ( isinstance( unwrap_type(type_) if type_ is not None else None, GraphQLLeafType, ) and node.selection_set ): self.add_error( 'Field "%s" must not have a selection since type "%s" has no subfields.' % (, type_), [node], ) if ( isinstance( unwrap_type(type_) if type_ is not None else None, GraphQLCompositeType, ) and not node.selection_set ): self.add_error( 'Field "%s" of type "%s" must have a selection of subfields. ' 'Did you mean "%s { ... }"?' % (, type_,, [node], )
[docs]class FieldsOnCorrectTypeChecker(ValidationVisitor): """ A GraphQL document is only valid if all fields selected are defined by the parent type, or are an allowed meta field such as __typename. """ def enter_field(self, node): if self.type_info.parent_type is None: return field_def = self.type_info.field if field_def is None: if isinstance( self.type_info.parent_type, (ObjectType, InterfaceType) ): fieldnames = [ for f in self.type_info.parent_type.fields] suggestions = infer_suggestions(, fieldnames) if suggestions: self.add_error( 'Cannot query field "%s" on type "%s". Did you mean %s?' % (,, quoted_options_list(suggestions), ), [node], ) else: self.add_error( 'Cannot query field "%s" on type "%s".' % (,, [node], ) elif isinstance(self.type_info.parent_type, UnionType): options = quoted_options_list( [ for t in self.type_info.parent_type.types] ) self.add_error( 'Cannot query field "%s" on type "%s". Did you mean to use ' "an inline fragment on %s?" % (,, options, ), [node], ) else: self.add_error( 'Cannot query field "%s" on type "%s"' % (,, [node], )
[docs]class UniqueFragmentNamesChecker(ValidationVisitor): """ A GraphQL document is only valid if all defined fragments have unique names. """ def __init__(self, schema, type_info): super(UniqueFragmentNamesChecker, self).__init__(schema, type_info) self._names = set() # type: Set[str] def enter_fragment_definition(self, node): name = if name in self._names: self.add_error( 'There can only be one fragment named "%s"' % name, [node] ) self._names.add(name)
[docs]class KnownFragmentNamesChecker(ValidationVisitor): """ A GraphQL document is only valid if all `...Fragment` fragment spreads refer to fragments defined in the same document. """ def __init__(self, schema, type_info): super(KnownFragmentNamesChecker, self).__init__(schema, type_info) def enter_document(self, node): self._fragment_names = set( [ for definition in node.definitions if type(definition) == _ast.FragmentDefinition ] ) def enter_fragment_spread(self, node): name = if name not in self._fragment_names: self.add_error('Unknown fragment "%s"' % name, [node])
[docs]class NoUnusedFragmentsChecker(ValidationVisitor): """ A GraphQL document is only valid if all fragment definitions are spread within operations, or spread within other fragments spread within operations. """ def __init__(self, schema, type_info): super(NoUnusedFragmentsChecker, self).__init__(schema, type_info) self._fragments = set() # type: Set[str] self._used_fragments = set() # type: Set[str] def enter_fragment_definition(self, node): self._fragments.add( def enter_fragment_spread(self, node): self._used_fragments.add( def leave_document(self, _node): unused = self._fragments - self._used_fragments if unused: quoted = ", ".join('"%s"' % x for x in sorted(unused)) self.add_error("Unused fragment(s) %s" % quoted)
[docs]class PossibleFragmentSpreadsChecker(ValidationVisitor): """ A fragment spread is only valid if the type condition could ever possibly be true: if there is a non-empty intersection of the possible parent types, and possible types which pass the type condition. """ def __init__(self, schema, type_info): super(PossibleFragmentSpreadsChecker, self).__init__(schema, type_info) self._fragment_types = dict() # type: Dict[str, GraphQLType] def enter_document(self, node): self._fragment_types.update( { self.schema.get_type_from_literal( definition.type_condition ) for definition in node.definitions if type(definition) == _ast.FragmentDefinition } ) def enter_fragment_spread(self, node): name = frag_type = self._fragment_types.get(name, None) parent_type = self.type_info.type if ( isinstance(frag_type, GraphQLCompositeType) and isinstance(parent_type, GraphQLCompositeType) and not self.schema.types_overlap(frag_type, parent_type) ): self.add_error( 'Fragment "%s" cannot be spread here as types "%s" and "%s"' " do not overlap." % (name, frag_type, parent_type), [node], ) raise SkipNode() def enter_inline_fragment(self, node): type_ = self.type_info.type parent_type = self.type_info.parent_type if ( isinstance(type_, GraphQLCompositeType) and isinstance(parent_type, GraphQLCompositeType) and not self.schema.types_overlap(type_, parent_type) ): self.add_error( 'Inline fragment cannot be spread here as types "%s" and "%s"' " do not overlap." % (type_, parent_type), [node], ) raise SkipNode()
[docs]class NoFragmentCyclesChecker(ValidationVisitor): """ A GraphQL Document is only valid if fragment definitions are not cyclic. """ def __init__(self, schema, type_info): super(NoFragmentCyclesChecker, self).__init__(schema, type_info) self._spreads = OrderedDict() # type: Dict[str, List[str]] self._current = None def enter_fragment_definition(self, node): name = self._current = name self._spreads[name] = [] def leave_fragment_definition(self, _node): self._current = None def enter_fragment_spread(self, node): name = if self._current is not None: if self._current and name == self._current: self.add_error( 'Cannot spread fragment "%s" withing itself' % name, [node] ) raise SkipNode() if name not in self._spreads[self._current]: self._spreads[self._current].append(name) def leave_document(self, node): def _search(outer, acc=None, path=None): acc, path = acc or dict(), path or [] if outer not in self._spreads: return acc for inner in self._spreads[outer]: # The ref implementation will report multiple distinct cycles # for one fragment. This line and the fact that we keep one # path per fragment make it so that we only report one. if inner in acc: break acc[inner] = path _search(inner, acc, path + [inner]) return acc flat_spreads = [(outer, _search(outer)) for outer in self._spreads] cyclic = set() for outer, inner_spreads in flat_spreads: if outer in inner_spreads: cyclic.add(outer) path = inner_spreads[outer] # Make sure we do not report redundant cycles, i.e. if A > B # has been identified, A > B > A is redundant and will not be # reported. if path[-1] in cyclic: continue self.add_error( 'Cannot spread fragment "%s" withing itself (via: %s)' % (outer, " > ".join(path)), [node], )
[docs]class UniqueVariableNamesChecker(ValidationVisitor): """ A GraphQL operation is only valid if all its variables are uniquely named. """ def enter_operation_definition(self, _node): self._variables = set() # type: Set[str] def leave_operation_definition(self, _node): self._variables.clear() def enter_variable_definition(self, node): name = if name in self._variables: self.add_error('Duplicate variable "$%s"' % name, [node]) self._variables.add(name)
[docs]class NoUndefinedVariablesChecker(VariablesCollector): """ A GraphQL operation is only valid if all variables encountered, both directly and via fragment spreads, are defined by that operation. """ def leave_document(self, node): super(NoUndefinedVariablesChecker, self).leave_document(node) for op, fragments in self._op_fragments.items(): defined = self._op_defined_variables[op] for fragment in deduplicate(fragments): fragment_vars = self._fragment_variables[fragment] for var, (node, _, _) in fragment_vars.items(): if var not in defined: self.add_error( 'Variable "$%s" from fragment "%s" is not defined ' "on %s operation" % ( var, fragment, '"%s"' % op if op != "" else "anonymous", ), [node], ) for op, variables in self._op_variables.items(): defined = self._op_defined_variables[op] for var, (node, _, _) in variables.items(): if var not in defined: self.add_error( 'Variable "$%s" is not defined on %s operation' % (var, '"%s"' % op if op != "" else "anonymous"), [node], )
[docs]class NoUnusedVariablesChecker(VariablesCollector): """ A GraphQL operation is only valid if all variables defined by an operation are used, either directly or within a spread fragment. """ def leave_document(self, node): super(NoUnusedVariablesChecker, self).leave_document(node) used_variables = defaultdict(set) # type: Dict[str, Set[str]] for op, fragments in self._op_fragments.items(): for fragment in deduplicate(fragments): for var in self._fragment_variables[fragment].keys(): used_variables[op].add(var) for op, variables in self._op_variables.items(): for var in variables.keys(): used_variables[op].add(var) for op, defined in self._op_defined_variables.items(): used = used_variables[op] for var, node in defined.items(): if var not in used: self.add_error('Unused variable "$%s"' % var, [node])
[docs]class KnownDirectivesChecker(ValidationVisitor): """ A GraphQL document is only valid if all `@directives` are known by the schema and legally positioned. """ def __init__(self, schema, type_info): super(KnownDirectivesChecker, self).__init__(schema, type_info) self._ancestors = [] # type: List[_ast.Node] def _enter_ancestor(self, node): self._ancestors.append(node) def _leave_ancestor(self, _node): self._ancestors.pop() enter_operation_definition = _enter_ancestor leave_operation_definition = _leave_ancestor enter_field = _enter_ancestor leave_field = _leave_ancestor enter_field = _enter_ancestor leave_field = _leave_ancestor enter_fragment_spread = _enter_ancestor leave_fragment_spread = _leave_ancestor enter_inline_fragment = _enter_ancestor leave_inline_fragment = _leave_ancestor enter_fragment_definition = _enter_ancestor leave_fragment_definition = _leave_ancestor enter_schema_definition = _enter_ancestor leave_schema_definition = _leave_ancestor enter_schema_extension = _enter_ancestor leave_schema_extension = _leave_ancestor enter_scalar_type_definition = _enter_ancestor leave_scalar_type_definition = _leave_ancestor enter_scalar_type_extension = _enter_ancestor leave_scalar_type_extension = _leave_ancestor enter_object_type_definition = _enter_ancestor leave_object_type_definition = _leave_ancestor enter_object_type_extension = _enter_ancestor leave_object_type_extension = _leave_ancestor enter_field_definition = _enter_ancestor leave_field_definition = _leave_ancestor enter_interface_type_definition = _enter_ancestor leave_interface_type_definition = _leave_ancestor enter_interface_type_extension = _enter_ancestor leave_interface_type_extension = _leave_ancestor enter_union_type_definition = _enter_ancestor leave_union_type_definition = _leave_ancestor enter_union_type_extension = _enter_ancestor leave_union_type_extension = _leave_ancestor enter_enum_type_definition = _enter_ancestor leave_enum_type_definition = _leave_ancestor enter_enum_type_extension = _enter_ancestor leave_enum_type_extension = _leave_ancestor enter_enum_value_definition = _enter_ancestor leave_enum_value_definition = _leave_ancestor enter_input_object_type_definition = _enter_ancestor leave_input_object_type_definition = _leave_ancestor enter_input_object_type_extension = _enter_ancestor leave_input_object_type_extension = _leave_ancestor enter_input_value_definition = _enter_ancestor leave_input_value_definition = _leave_ancestor def _current_location(self): ancestor = self._ancestors[-1] kind = type(ancestor) if kind is _ast.OperationDefinition: return { "query": "QUERY", "mutation": "MUTATION", "subscription": "SUBSCRIPTION", }.get(cast(_ast.OperationDefinition, ancestor).operation, "QUERY") if kind is _ast.InputValueDefinition: parent = self._ancestors[-2] return ( "INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION" if type(parent) is _ast.InputObjectTypeDefinition else "ARGUMENT_DEFINITION" ) return { _ast.Field: "FIELD", _ast.FragmentSpread: "FRAGMENT_SPREAD", _ast.InlineFragment: "INLINE_FRAGMENT", _ast.FragmentDefinition: "FRAGMENT_DEFINITION", _ast.SchemaDefinition: "SCHEMA", _ast.SchemaExtension: "SCHEMA", _ast.ScalarTypeDefinition: "SCALAR", _ast.ScalarTypeExtension: "SCALAR", _ast.ObjectTypeDefinition: "OBJECT", _ast.ObjectTypeExtension: "OBJECT", _ast.FieldDefinition: "FIELD_DEFINITION", _ast.InterfaceTypeDefinition: "INTERFACE", _ast.InterfaceTypeExtension: "INTERFACE", _ast.UnionTypeDefinition: "UNION", _ast.UnionTypeExtension: "UNION", _ast.EnumTypeDefinition: "ENUM", _ast.EnumTypeExtension: "ENUM", _ast.EnumValueDefinition: "ENUM_VALUE", _ast.InputObjectTypeDefinition: "INPUT_OBJECT", _ast.InputObjectTypeExtension: "INPUT_OBJECT", }[kind] def enter_directive(self, node): name = schema_directive = self.schema.directives.get(name) if schema_directive is None: self.add_error('Unknown directive "%s".' % name, [node]) raise SkipNode() else: location = self._current_location() if location not in schema_directive.locations: self.add_error( 'Directive "%s" may not be used on %s.' % (name, location), [node], )
[docs]class UniqueDirectivesPerLocationChecker(ValidationVisitor): """ A GraphQL document is only valid if all directives at a given location are uniquely named. """ def _validate_unique_directive_names(self, node): seen = set() # type: Set[str] for directive in node.directives: name = directive_def = self.schema.directives.get(name) if directive_def is None or directive_def.repeatable: continue if name in seen: self.add_error('Duplicate directive "@%s"' % name, [directive]) seen.add(name) enter_operation_definition = _validate_unique_directive_names enter_field = _validate_unique_directive_names enter_field = _validate_unique_directive_names enter_fragment_spread = _validate_unique_directive_names enter_inline_fragment = _validate_unique_directive_names enter_fragment_definition = _validate_unique_directive_names
[docs]class KnownArgumentNamesChecker(ValidationVisitor): """ A GraphQL field / directive is only valid if all supplied arguments are defined by that field / directive. """ def enter_field(self, node): field_def = self.type_info.field if field_def is not None: known = set(( for a in field_def.arguments)) for arg in node.arguments: name = if name not in known: suggestions = list(infer_suggestions(name, known)) if not suggestions: self.add_error( 'Unknown argument "%s" on field "%s" of type "%s".' % ( name,, self.type_info.parent_type, ), [arg], ) else: self.add_error( 'Unknown argument "%s" on field "%s" of type "%s". ' "Did you mean %s?" % ( name,, self.type_info.parent_type, quoted_options_list(suggestions), ), [arg], ) def enter_directive(self, node): directive_def = self.type_info.directive if directive_def is not None: known = set(( for a in directive_def.arguments)) for arg in node.arguments: name = if name not in known: suggestions = infer_suggestions(name, known) if not suggestions: self.add_error( 'Unknown argument "%s" on directive "@%s".' % (name,, [arg], ) else: self.add_error( 'Unknown argument "%s" on directive "@%s". Did you mean %s?' % ( name,, quoted_options_list(suggestions), ), [arg], )
[docs]class UniqueArgumentNamesChecker(ValidationVisitor): """ A GraphQL field or directive is only valid if all supplied arguments are uniquely named. """ def _check_duplicate_args(self, node): argnames = set() # type: Set[str] for arg in node.arguments: name = if name in argnames: self.add_error('Duplicate argument "%s"' % name, [arg]) argnames.add(name) enter_field = _check_duplicate_args enter_directive = _check_duplicate_args
[docs]class ProvidedRequiredArgumentsChecker(ValidationVisitor): """ A field or directive is only valid if all required (non-null without a default value) ) field arguments have been provided. """ def _missing_args(self, arg_defs, node): node_args = set(( for arg in node.arguments)) for arg in arg_defs: if arg.required and ( not in node_args): yield arg # Validate on leave to allow for deeper errors to appear first. def leave_field(self, node): field_def = self.type_info.field if field_def: for arg in self._missing_args(field_def.arguments, node): self.add_error( 'Field "%s" argument "%s" of type %s is required but ' "not provided" % (,, arg.type), [node], ) # Validate on leave to allow for deeper errors to appear first. def leave_directive(self, node): directive_def = self.type_info.directive if directive_def: for arg in self._missing_args(directive_def.arguments, node): self.add_error( 'Directive "@%s" argument "%s" of type %s is required but ' "not provided" % (,, arg.type), [node], )
[docs]class VariablesInAllowedPositionChecker(VariablesCollector): """ Variables passed to field arguments conform to type """ def iter_op_variables(self, op): for usage in self._op_variables[op].items(): yield usage for fragment in self._op_fragments[op]: frament_vars = self._fragment_variables[fragment].items() for usage in frament_vars: yield usage def leave_document(self, node): super(VariablesInAllowedPositionChecker, self).leave_document(node) for op, vardefs in self._op_defined_variables.items(): for (varname, usage) in self.iter_op_variables(op): varnode, input_type, input_value_def = usage vardef = vardefs.get(varname) if vardef and input_type: try: var_type = self.schema.get_type_from_literal( vardef.type ) except UnknownType: continue var_default = vardef.default_value if isinstance(input_type, NonNullType) and not isinstance( var_type, NonNullType ): non_null_var_default = ( var_default is not None and type(var_default) != _ast.NullValue ) location_default = ( input_value_def is not None and input_value_def.has_default_value ) if ( not non_null_var_default and not location_default ) or not self.schema.is_subtype( var_type, input_type.type ): self.add_error( 'Variable "$%s" of type %s used in position ' "expecting type %s" % (varname, print_ast(vardef.type), input_type), [varnode], ) else: if not self.schema.is_subtype(var_type, input_type): self.add_error( 'Variable "$%s" of type %s used in position ' "expecting type %s" % (varname, print_ast(vardef.type), input_type), [varnode], )
[docs]class UniqueInputFieldNamesChecker(ValidationVisitor): """ A GraphQL input object value is only valid if all supplied fields are uniquely named. """ def __init__(self, schema, type_info): super(UniqueInputFieldNamesChecker, self).__init__(schema, type_info) self._stack = [] # type: List[Tuple[_ast.ObjectValue, Set[str]]] def enter_object_value(self, node): self._stack.append((node, set())) def leave_object_value(self, _node): self._stack.pop() def enter_object_field(self, node): fieldname = _, names = self._stack[-1] if fieldname in names: self.add_error( "There can be only one input field named %s." % fieldname, [node], ) names.add(fieldname)